Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I'm back and WOW

Well, I am home, on bed rest and right now lying back in me bed trying to relax as the OB GYN has put me on bed rest which is not something I am really happy about. Seems being my age and pregnancy don't mesh very well together.

Anywho, I want to address something that I have taken down today. The recent post about Amanda aka Tantrum. All through the barkside and the other vigilante blogs I have kept a staunch flow of material to make one think about what is right and wrong and how people post lies and shit to make others out to be worse than they appear, and to hopefully spread enough doubt and thought into my readers minds about what is truth and what is fiction, and when I posted about Amanda, I never dreamed there would be such scathing comments about one person.

My reasons for posting about the incident were simply because I thought it was something people should think about, something people should look at and wonder why one person who has been the subject of pirate conversations, accused of posting personal information or her customers, and who knows what else she has done, would lie about why she moved her store. Why she would lie to her designers and friends? Because the truth folks is this, she did move her store because she was told to move it and to the best of my knowledge it wasn't because of missing funds. I saw and have (sent to me by a former designer) the actual emails sent to store owners letting them all know what was going on, and I also know several people who were unhappy about their interaction with Tantrum. So my questions were why would she lie?

I read through all of your comments before I deleted the post, and whoever posted the copies of the emails posted them word for word minus the personal info, so obviously they knew what they were doing. I don't condone posting that type of info publicly, which was why I asked if anyone wanted the info to email me and gave you my email address.

After much thinking, I felt it best to remove the offending comments because it was getting downright ugly in there and when people start mouthing off about stalking and shit it really pisses me off because I saw nowhere any evidence of stalking, or anything else, and with googles lenient policy of not blocking blogs like mine or the barksides, then I can't see where the problem was.

The bottom line in all of this digital world is there is a place for everyone who creates, and everyone creates something beautiful in their own way, and be it full size or tagger size, doesn't matter, if someone likes it they will buy it. I still stand by the opinions that Tantrum lied about the removal of her store, because her words and the emails just don't add up to an equal number. I still stand by the opinion that jealousy is a raging monster that some people cannot control so they wish to lie about the truth.

This blog still stands to make people think about what is going on in the digital world, make people wonder how much to believe, to put the seed of doubt into your mind that maybe everything isn't as cut and dried as you are made to think it is, and it will remain that way as long as I am able to post.

So think about it people, think about what you read, look for the truth, think of the possibilities and wonder if you are seeing everything there is to see, because nine times out of ten, you aren't.

Now I'm going to lie here and rest, and let this baby monitor keep tabs on me and the little one, and if you want to reply, please do, if you want to leave a scathing remark, go for it, but be warned, I might not be so kind in my own reply to you.