Friday, January 23, 2009

Offering my thoughts

as if you really want to hear them.

Allow me to say that yes, I have been away, in and out of the hospital due to ongoing problems with premature labor pains. And yes, I have seen the numerous posts of those who doubt I'm pregnant, and those who have some twisted idea I'm drama queen. I'm NOT her, but you all will continously believe whatever your twisted little minds want to believe, so it really doesn't matter now does it?

I've read through all your comments, and I just want to say that some of you are pretty messed up in the head, and for the one single individual who keeps lurking here for hours and posting when someone else responds, do you have nothing better to do than sit there? I logged your IP in for 9 hours already! And what is even weirder, you have answered yourself three times! Do you have a split personality or something? Go back over to that other blog and sit for awhile where you obviously came from since the referal link goes right back there too!

In response to darkside coming back, I have to agree that I don't believe they have been a private blog all this time, simply because word of it would have spread like wildfire if it had still exisited, and why would they have posted their adorable little welciome back message if they had been private? Wouldn't it have been better to remain as such so none of the people talked about knew what was being said behind their backs?

The fact remains that these women who started that blog are vicious little dogs who like nothing better than stirring trouble. Otherwise why bother coming over here to announce themselves? My little opinion blog is small fish compared to what they have done in the past and probably will try to do in the future! They came over here to post their welcome back simply to drive traffic back to their site so they can bitch and moan again. But the way I see it, not many people are flocking over there to read like they were before. I think most people have gotten wise and learned to take what they read with a grain of salt instead of believing it outright.

Bottom line remains, people are going to be vicious backstabbers no matter what we do or think, and there is always going to be a school ground bully around somewhere.

I don't blame nemesis for taking her blog private, why would she want some other blog coming there and starting trouble? If the darkside came there and posted like they did here, then she did the right thing.

In closing, people get a life or something, take a walk, do something constructive. Stop believing everything you see as fact, and stop believing you know who everyone is or their reasons behind their actions. Leave the taggers and scrappers alone, it isn't your responsibility to be judge, jury and executioner.