Monday, February 23, 2009

All is quiet it seems again

Well, looks like the masses just don't have the same interest they did in virtual blood anymore, lol I think these things go in cycles, like trends. One comes in, another goes out and it just keeps going around and around. Only difference is, the second time around not as many people follow the trend!

I'm not in very much these days because there just isn't much newsworthy to talk about. It's all the same old stuff, repeats if you will of the same drivel spouted before.

I have however gottena huge kick out of reading the comments, lol you people have got some imagination as well as a mouth a sailor would be proud of!

Once again, I find the need to remind you, I'm NOT Drama Queen, I don't know who she is, and frankly, I don't care. If this girl had a store and didn't pay you, then don't come here accosting me, because that has nothing to do with me, lol far from it! One of these days some of you will reach over your heads and pull that chain that turns the light on and you will see that not every freaking shadow that flashes across the wall is what or whom you think it is. It does get tiresome reading those accusatory emails demanding your money, when I don't even know who you are much less why I'd owe you money. lol Frankly, I think you'd be beter off filing a complaint with the better bsuiness bureau or with the stores domain host you have a beef with, they'll help find the woman you are after ebcause it sure as hell isn't me. lol

Now I'm off to breakfast and then cocoa and a much needed nap. Perhaps you ought to do the same.