for people to sit back and think about what is going on around them? And for that matter why is everyone so adamant that AK is innocent in all this? Somehow I think the people opening paypal tickets against her as well as all those who are coming forward with similar experinces must have truth to it all, otherwise why would they all be commenting about what they have lost to this woman?
Oh, wait, I get it, everyone must be in on it! It's a conspiracy to take down one woman! It must be! Why else would everyone secrectly ban together and decide to ruin her? Damn, I missed out. Maybe I should learn how to make something so I can say I was taken in too and be in on the game!
Wake up morons! People who have dealt with her first hand can't all be conspiring against her surely they must be right!
And these constant changes in the story are hilarious. First off, she closed it, then opened it again, then it was hacked, then it is sold? HAHAH Hilarious! Which is it? It can't be all of them!
I always try and speak FOR those who have been wronged, and for the taggers and scrap taggers, because they need a place to fit in the design world too, and funny thing is you don't see the traditional scrappers out there bitching, just the taggers! Goes to show you the bad side of things doesn't it?
Either way, people stop bitching at me because of this mess, I didn't make it, lol And I have only spoken the truth about things I have SEEN with my own eyes, not here say.
Get a life of your own and a hobby for petes sake, lol
Who's Making Who Laugh?
Well for one, JennK, you REALLY make me laugh, considering your the biggest
two faced shit stirring dyke on the internet.
You really are something else, and...
16 years ago