Friday, December 12, 2008

Well now...

Huh. I swear you take a break while and you come back to floods of emails. I'm not going to address anything tonight, but I'm going to say a certain woman who has been on here before for her fits is again back in the scrap limelight for allegedly stealing her designers payouts. No clue if she is, but after everything that has been posted about this woman before, who knows. All I can say is why? These women trust you and want to sell in your stores and especially this time of year they could use the extra cash and to find this woman refuses to give what she owes to her designers is appalling. The email is making it's rounds in several groups, and honestly, people need to wise up and check out where they try to sell their products. *HUGS* to the little lady who had to deal with this mess, and I hope you get it lined out honey, your designs are beautiful and you deserve to be paid properly for what you sold.

For those of you who have emailed me all those smack blog links, thanks, it's given me some much needed laughter during my forced bed rest, lol time and again it's the same people being called out and then being found out to not have done anything wrong!

The well wishers, thank you!! Baby and I are doing much better, the swelling has gone down, I'm allowed out of bed a little more each day now, but not much! We've gotten my blood pressure stabilized as well as my sugar levels, so finally on the right track!

Oh, store owners need to be aware, there is someone going around again buying massive amounts of items and then doing chargebacks, plus having many e checks declined, as well as being investigated for fraud! So beware!!

Until I'm able to be online more, take care and Happy Holidays!! I'd say Merry Christmas, but you'd be surprised how many people don't like that!!!! It's still Christmas to me!