Friday, March 20, 2009

Life goes on

Well, again everything is quiet in the world of digi scrapping. Looks like the ole bark side just came out of retirement to harrass Michelle H, and that really didn't seem to go very far as it seemed many people kept veering off on other topics and other people. Michelles store is still there and full of people, so she kept right on trudging forward and let this mess roll right off her back. Granted, I don't approve of what she did to other store owners, but what can you do about it? Not much.

I have heard and seen some very tricky and rather annoying emails going around about some new blog that wants to "showcase" stores, designers, and store policies and views on everything from sales, new designers, to piracy, and if you ask me, the questions they pose on their so called, "interview" are very misleading as they start off nice, and then end with all sorts of prying into your "views" on what punishment a designer should receive for piracy, should you verify all your designers have legal copies of their software, and even asking you to give them names of designers and groups that share stuff!!

Now does that sound like an interview to you or is that fishing for information? I'll have to snag a copy of the questions for you and post them so you can judge for yourself what the deal is. I myself think it is downright as rude and nasty as the ole darkside and other smack blogs have been in trashing everything and everyone.

Oh well, life does go on and we await the opening of the next smack blog with baited breath, however I don't think it will do much good because it seems people are just not as interested anymore in the "in your face smackdowns" that a few people have done. Til another day peoples, I'm off to rest and have some tea.