Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I'm back and WOW

Well, I am home, on bed rest and right now lying back in me bed trying to relax as the OB GYN has put me on bed rest which is not something I am really happy about. Seems being my age and pregnancy don't mesh very well together.

Anywho, I want to address something that I have taken down today. The recent post about Amanda aka Tantrum. All through the barkside and the other vigilante blogs I have kept a staunch flow of material to make one think about what is right and wrong and how people post lies and shit to make others out to be worse than they appear, and to hopefully spread enough doubt and thought into my readers minds about what is truth and what is fiction, and when I posted about Amanda, I never dreamed there would be such scathing comments about one person.

My reasons for posting about the incident were simply because I thought it was something people should think about, something people should look at and wonder why one person who has been the subject of pirate conversations, accused of posting personal information or her customers, and who knows what else she has done, would lie about why she moved her store. Why she would lie to her designers and friends? Because the truth folks is this, she did move her store because she was told to move it and to the best of my knowledge it wasn't because of missing funds. I saw and have (sent to me by a former designer) the actual emails sent to store owners letting them all know what was going on, and I also know several people who were unhappy about their interaction with Tantrum. So my questions were why would she lie?

I read through all of your comments before I deleted the post, and whoever posted the copies of the emails posted them word for word minus the personal info, so obviously they knew what they were doing. I don't condone posting that type of info publicly, which was why I asked if anyone wanted the info to email me and gave you my email address.

After much thinking, I felt it best to remove the offending comments because it was getting downright ugly in there and when people start mouthing off about stalking and shit it really pisses me off because I saw nowhere any evidence of stalking, or anything else, and with googles lenient policy of not blocking blogs like mine or the barksides, then I can't see where the problem was.

The bottom line in all of this digital world is there is a place for everyone who creates, and everyone creates something beautiful in their own way, and be it full size or tagger size, doesn't matter, if someone likes it they will buy it. I still stand by the opinions that Tantrum lied about the removal of her store, because her words and the emails just don't add up to an equal number. I still stand by the opinion that jealousy is a raging monster that some people cannot control so they wish to lie about the truth.

This blog still stands to make people think about what is going on in the digital world, make people wonder how much to believe, to put the seed of doubt into your mind that maybe everything isn't as cut and dried as you are made to think it is, and it will remain that way as long as I am able to post.

So think about it people, think about what you read, look for the truth, think of the possibilities and wonder if you are seeing everything there is to see, because nine times out of ten, you aren't.

Now I'm going to lie here and rest, and let this baby monitor keep tabs on me and the little one, and if you want to reply, please do, if you want to leave a scathing remark, go for it, but be warned, I might not be so kind in my own reply to you.


Anonymous said...

A computer chair is not bed rest Missy!

Back to bed with you, and I hope you and the wee one are ok.

Anonymous said...

don't you mean Sabrina lmfao
what a drama queen!!!! do you think we REALLY care about you and the baby get for real! I hope the baby is not born like you 2-faced bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

YOU opened the door for what happened, which makes you just as bad as those you slammed for doing the SAME THING.

YOU removed the post with some half cracked response - SMELLS of the same shit the darkside pulled but astonishingly YOU expect to be exempt from it.

I feel that you are a two faced person. Your recent actions are nothing less than hypocritical.

You CANNOT slam people for doing something and then be instrumental in doing the SAME DAMN THING and expect to be greeted with open arms JUST BECAUSE you claim to want to "inspire thought". There are other ways of accomplishing that and you're well aware of it.

You created this blog to slam the darkside, that particular blog is closed to the public eye, so why dont you take a clue and move your "agenda" to a private venue as well.

All these blogs are doing is spreading hate.

While I do not particularly care for what you stand for (on this blog anyway), I do wish you and your unborn child to get well.

I just hope you set a better example for this new child.

Anonymous said...

You are such a hypocrite!

Anonymous said...

Oh how quickly the wolf pack turns.

Five minutes ago you were all sucking up to the blog owner. Or was that only because she had the guts to say what you wanted to, but didn't have the courage? Now she's saying something you don't like, you all turn on her, and you have the audacity to talk about her being hypocritical.

What a bunch of jokes.

Anonymous said...

Of course they are all assholes. Simply put, they want to sit back on their fat asses and watch the dog fights, then when the fight is over, they want to bitch and complain about it not beign right in the first place when you nkow half of them are the very ones who were here posting comments about it in the first place, otherwise why would they be here now calling her a hypocrite? In my opinion, it takes a strong person to admit they made a mistake and correct it instead of letting the masses continue what they were doing. I actually applaud the blog owner for what she has done. She saw things were taking a nasty turn and she removed it because people were threatening, where is that wrong? I see nowhere that she has asked to be forgiven for what she posted, I see nowhere that she wants to be greeted with open arms. One of these days all of you will find something better to do than sit on these blogs waiting for something to bitch at.

Anonymous said...

You people really need to get a life and move on. I know who owns this blog and guess what? Her name isn't Sabrina, or any of the other people you all keep accusing her of being. And if things "smell" to you then keep the fuck off the blog to begin with! Frankly, you people are the hypocrites! As long as the shit is stirred you are here waiting to see what unfolds, then when it doesn't suit your blood thirsty taste you turn on her for no reason. I don't see any of you out there posting this information to the public, I don't see any of you doing something to make people think. What I do see is a bunch of vultures waiting for the kill. Idiots.

Anonymous said...

You say you want to inspire thought and that is good it that is what it is but not at the jepordy of someone elses reputation. I don't care if you saw the emails ad they cane from a reliable source. It does not meant the person she got it from did not alter it before send it! We all know how easy that is so an email is not proof of anything. Also you say she moved her store to the best of "your" knowledge because of being told to move. Lets inspire some thought here shall we? Who had more to loose? Tantrum or the host? It sure was not Tantrum. Also someone pointed out in a comment "it takes a strong person to admit they made a mistake and correct it instead of letting the masses continue what they were doing." Well if my memory serves me right Tantrum did apologize for posting someones info and was quite sorry about it and posted it publicly and yet you STILL blast her for that. A TON of other designer have done the same thing and they do not get half the shiat she does! Let "inspire thought" here is it because there are too many jealous people out there? Is it maybe because she is a leader and not a follower? Is it just because it is easier to pick on someone who had the balls to apologize in the first place? Is it because you are all in competition with her yourself? In my eyes she has made a few mistakes and paid enough for them you people need to move on and leave her alone everyone makes mistakes and I know you all have to and would you like to have them all blasted and attacked like she was? I do applaud the blog owner for taking it down as it was not right and down right shameful the way you all acted and treated her. However I do not agree with the blog owner still blasting her. Enough is enough if you want to "inspire thought" do something to help the psp community. That takes a bigger person not to give into all the hatred! That is what I would like to see someone have the balls to do without giving in!

Anonymous said...

Never heard of either one of these people...... but from what I did read here...Truth or Not... who will know exactly what transpired except the 2 parties involved...
1-she asked for the service she paid for-and was not getting.
2-she would not allow this host to take a commission from her designers-protective, she sounds like a good store owner to me! I have never heard of a host/tech asking for commission from his clients, that is unheard of. I have family in web technology business their mouths dropped when I casually mentioned this.
3-It is obvious by the comments, she was not the only site this happened to, has anyone reported him to the BBB? Why are you designers not looking out for eachother, instead you take the side of a perverted man who is a pirate and a theif?
4- In "her" email to him, she flat out tells him that she would make him money by getting other stores to open up-How is that jealousy?
5-whether she left the store or he got tierd of her demanding his service and stopped providing the hosting-she is the one who lost her store...why would she make this up about him stealing funds-what does she have to gain by this?

To the blog owner...
I wish you and your baby well, my concern and advice for you is to stay away from drama like this until your precious baby is born, it is not good for you or the baby.

Anonymous said...

The blog owner did not say sorry for anything she still stood by her opionion. She was upset with her readers and there comments LOL So in the end look in the mirror because you have turned into the same ugly monster that the barkside is!

Anonymous said...

4:43 - obviously no one is asking for her to post more of what she posted but more to the contrary.

Frankly, I could give two shits who the hell owns this blog. My point was that she CANNOT talk shit about someone for doing something and then do the same damn thing herself.

It's also true that if you ARE her friend, you're doing her a terrible disservice by supporting her with this type of nonsense ESPECIALLY while she's in such a fragile state. A good friend would tell her to not sweat the small shit and to take care of herself and her unborn child rather than stirring up drama on the internet.

Dont get mad when the truth comes barrelling right back at you. Take your licks, learn from it and move on. OR continue to behave like fit-throwing children and slamming everyone for having an opinion that opposes yours.

Choice is yours, lets hope you make the right one

Anonymous said...

When are you gonns she does not care about the baby thus the name drama queen! need I say more?

Anonymous said...

November 12, 2008 12:39 PM

Well you could try saying something that actually made sense.

Anonymous said...

I can gurantee you the blog owner is not drama queen, lol I know that for a fact.

Anonymous said...

lmfao - that's why she has THIS blog.

No, she's not a drama queen at all!

and I got a bridge to sell ya

Anonymous said...

11:58 made COMPLETE sense

Anonymous said...

Amen 11:58

Anonymous said...

Totally off the subject here. I just want to mention something about all these Charity kits that Designers have out. I do think that it is a bit odd that all of the sudden these people at the holidays come out with they know so and so who knows so and so who has cancer. Or This person is losing their house and is down right saying on her store that she needs 90,000 dollars. If you are behind 90,000 dollars on your house payment, your house would have been taken from you a long time ago. Why is it that no one puts out a charity kit until the holidays? I will tell you my opinion on this whole thing. I do believe these people are wanting extra money for the holidays. They know that their are people out there who are going to buy these kits because they are suckered in with the lies. I only know of 1 Designer that is truly giving to a charity. I know because she has me keep track of her sales and I have even picked her up and litterly taken her to the place of the charity she wishes to send it to. Also she is not broadcasting that the kit is for a charity. She is doing this quietly. Now that is a true samaritan. I will not buy from these people that are saying their 500 friends have cancer, or they are losing their house or whatever their cause may be. I will however give to the salvation army. I will give to someone like my Designer friend. I will give Directly to Toys for Tots ect. You people are a real piece of work. All you have to say is buy my kits I want money in my pocket for Christmas. Quit using a serious illness or losing your home as a front. If this were the case you would not be on the computer to do this as you would be selling your possessions yourself to get the money you need to help you raise this money. Including your precious computers.

Anonymous said...

I bet you like the sound of your own voice dont ya?

This blog has been dead for a while now but you gotta come over here bitchin.

Go visit a "current" blog and leave well enough alone already.

Hopefully "buffy" is taking good care of herself and her unborn child .... NEITHER of which need to deal with any ranting at the moment.

Anonymous said...

Looks like you came in to do the same thing the person before you did. Allthough I must agree that the person speaking of the charitys hit it right on the spot. They all come out of the woodwork during the holidays.PATHETIC

Buffy The Vigilante Slayer said...

Good points. I slapped you a topic up about it with my thoughts, talk it through, it will give me somethign to do while on bed rest, lol

Nemesis said...

I do not know you personally but was given your link to your blog..It is nice to see someone say what you have..So many women put too much faith in the wrong people..Sadly, because you are honest does not mean all the others around you are as well..It is awesome to see someone try to warn the ladies to stop and think...To not let themselves get caught up and then end up losing fee's or being treated poorly..Education and Information are wonderful tools to protect them..and someone to keep them abreast...kudo's for being defender of those who cannot...Sincerely, Nemesis