Friday, December 19, 2008

In defense of tag scrappers

Ok, I have followed all the drama of course. What else am I to do while confined to the couch, lol

I'm gonna weigh in on my thoughts about all this mess. First off, tag scrappers. I don't think everyone should be calling them names, or saying they cannot design, because honestly some of the tag scrappers have gorgeous kits, and they meet the need of the taggers out there who want the kits to use, so therefore in my mind, tag scrappers have as much right to be called designers as traditional scrappers do. For that matter, the tag scrappers have to make their kits full size and resize them especially for the tagger to use, and some of them actually sell both sides, and make good money at doing it.

So to be so harsh in your comments about tag scrappers is wrong. Give them a break, they design, they design with the tagger in mind and just because some of you would not buy a tagger kit, doesn't mean someone else feels the same.

Now then, on to the rest of the drama. I've seen the mess about Amanda, and now the comments about Amber, and if some of you remember a few weeks ago I posted all about Amanda and my thoughts about it as well as some one posting the very same copies of emails that were stuck in comments here, but yet I received all sorts of hell for letting the comments stand at the time, but now there is a new blog all about the nasty transgressions of Amanda and of course, it's the right thing to do to make the public aware of what has happened.

I've been accused of being Drama Queen, of Drama Queen Designs, and I am not her, nor anyone who actually tags, scraps, designs or anything crafty at all, lol I just sit back and watch the drama unfold and offer my thoughts, and right now my thoughts say that I am sick and tired of the holier than thou attitudes of those who are sticking by the nastiness going on! How can any of you sit there and offer defense of the actions that have went on? Doesn't it even occur to you to wonder just why so many people have come forward with the same stories of not receiving their products? Do you not wonder in the back of your mind if you have been cheated by these people and don't know it?

How can you sit there and say she is right when she lied? Lied about why her store was being moved, tried to ruin a mans livlihood by lying about him, lied to her designers about him and why they wer emissing money, kicked designers out of her store because they opened their own store, and who knows what else? How is that right? What does she have that makes you follow her like puppies after their master believing every word she spouts off? And believe me, it isn't slander if it's true and with all the paypal tickets being opened against this woman for being bogus in her sales pitch, it's going to come to a head and then where will you holier than thou supporters be left standing? Alone! That's where.

It seems odd that her store has closed, due to hacking? Not likely when it was supposedly a secure site! Mighty convenient that it gets "hacked" right when this mess comes to a head. And on top of it, Amanda was removed from digiscrapdepots new store going in too, makes you wonder why doesn't it? And now Amber trying to open up yet another store when the first one failed? She couldn't afford to keep it open, how does she plan to keep this one up?

Either way, I speak for the little people as always, and right now everyone who has been wronged by this woman is definately the little people! I hope you all get your money back and justice for the wrong doings of this woman!


Anonymous said...

I find this very distressing that people have no better things to do but bash, complain, and find lies and gossip about other stores and other people. You all make me absolutely sick!! You all should just knock it off...get on with your lives...and leave other people alone who are trying to make a living out of something they like to do.

Anonymous said...

It would be nice to do that if we weren't being ripped off and lied about all the time! Wait until it happens to you! You sell your stuff and don't get your money, then tell me how sick you are! I bet your tune would change then wouldn't it?

Anonymous said...

You are doing the same thing here you have not seen both side of the story and you are saying you know why she did what she did and when she lied and didn't? I am sorry to say but there is NO way you can know that unless you are her and was there for all those conversations and emails. So are you her? If not then you have no idea what you are talking about. Why does everyone think they know EXACTLY what is ALWAYS going on because my friend said this, I saw this, I read this and it must be true. I hate to say this but it ONLY takes one nasty person to start something and all the mindless sheep will follow.

Anonymous said...

I for one am tired of all the bashing. Who cares if I use tagger or full size kits? Who cares what I do with them once I purchase them? It is my choice and you are gonna bash me for how I use them and say I have no talent this is no way to treat a consumer. I remember when I started doing tags it was so much fun. I loved it I spent numerous hours and it was a blast. Now all the fun is gone. It is all back stabbing and drama. Why can't you all get along? There is enough room for everyone. I think everyone of the designers I buy kits have something different to offer and this is why I purchase there items. I am just so tired of this kind of stuff out there will it ever be a good a hobby again or is it now just full of drama and money making back stabbing women out to do whatever it takes to ruin someone else to make more money for themselves?

Anonymous said...

well 11:33 I was there! I was a designer in her store and trust me, the emails she sent through our designers group were always whining about something, so shut the fuck up and go back to your hole. The blog owner is right on one thing, there is room for everyone to design and for some of us, it isn't about the money but the love of creating and if money comes form it that is a bonus that helps many who need it right now that don't ask for charity, so if they get screwed out of their money then they deserve a fighting chance to recover what they can! it does boil down to jealousy that so many people are now scrapping for the taggers, I'm one of them, but that by no means means that I have to take a back seat to the bigger scrappers out there or to take it lying down if I get ripped off! The point also remains that Amber is not a good store owner, she has no clue how to run a business so 11:33 what evidence do you have that says otherwise? So i think having been a designer for Ambers previous store, I have seen both sides!

Anonymous said...

I am Miss 11:33 and I was opposing these questions to blog owner because she claims to know this and that and I wanna know why she thinks she knows its true? Was she there for any and all converstaions? what proof do you have? Something concrete not fake emails or screen shot either.

Anonymous said...

How can you sit there and say she is right when she lied? Lied about why her store was being moved, tried to ruin a mans livlihood by lying about him, lied to her designers about him and why they wer emissing money, kicked designers out of her store because they opened their own store, and who knows what else? How is that right? What does she have that makes you follow her like puppies after their master believing every word she spouts off? And believe me, it isn't slander if it's true and with all the paypal tickets being opened against this woman for being bogus in her sales pitch, it's going to come to a head and then where will you holier than thou supporters be left standing? Alone! That's where.

HOW DO YOU KNOW THIS? PROOF PLEASE. I guess you are another one who believes everything you hear. Just like Miss 11:33 said I see. Looks to me like you are trying to ruin a womans livlihood by lying about her if you ask me!

Buffy The Vigilante Slayer said...

I've seen the proof, I HAVE the proof. I have the emails from Amanda to the man she tried to ruin. I have the emails that state the man she tried to ruin was no longer going to manage her store, he told her to find a new host and he would transfer her domain to her. I also have the emails where she stated how unhappy she was that he opened new stores using her designers and how sad she was. If you want them I'll send them to you. just email me, I didn't post them publicly, I just state my opinions, and the person who did post copies of those emails on this blog before was removed. So I think you need to take a step back and read the proof yourself instead of flapping your gums so much. It isn't lies if the proof is in black and white, and for that matter the exact copies of those emails are over on scrappers beware in the comments, read them through and see what is said. So who is trying to ruin who? The bottom line still remains the same, there is a liar and thief out there taking what isn't hers, and for her to have the audacity to say people stole from her is wrong! Why you can keep defending someone like her is beyond me. What is it going to take for you to wake up and see reality?

Anonymous said...

I am sorry but all the emails I have seen posted and thet were posted on here and there are easy to change to whatever you want. It is not hard to send an email and edit before you email it. Come on are you that stupid? That is not proof of anything except whatever the person sending it wanted you to believe. It maybe and may not be but it is not proof. So maybe you should sit back and think hmmm maybe I was duked this whole time? Think about it why would he share all of this? Is it possible he had something to hide? Why was he so quick to try to ruin her name? Maybe he was afraid she would tell them all the truth of what he was doing. It is possible you cannot say it isn't. There is NO way you know every conversation that was done between her and these people unless you are her so once again who are you?

Anonymous said...

LMFAO nosy little fucker aren't you? It's obvious you'll never know who the blog owner is, hell no one seems to know. but I know this, I was a designer under Amanda, and I lost money, plus I was a designer at Crafty Scraps, and I saw the same email in question, in actuality I saw several emails. And they were forwarded word for word to every store the man had and for the record, he isn't the one trying to ruin her name. Nemesis is the one who is helping seachell ruin her, get your own facts straight. They guy who sent the emails sent everyone of them to every store owner there was he worked for. And it wasn't pretty. I even went as far as leaving all of the stores because Amanda said he stole our money, and it wasn't until one of my former store owenrs showed me the conversations that I realized Amanda lied to me and I saw the sales records of the stores, they matched where as I hear Amandas did not. So it seems you are the one sadly misinformed, not me. I only sell off my blog right now because at least the money goes into my own paypal and not a huge store account where I have no access to it.

Anonymous said...

How many times do I ave to say just because he emailed the emails to you does not mean it is true. You can change the contents of an email and make it ANYTHING you want before it is forwarded ANYONE with a brain knows this and if this is what you base your proof on then you are a stupid woman that should not be trying to state her thoughts on any blog period. You were not there for every conversation or email. I am sure he ONLY forwarded you what he wanted you to see. Wake up and look at it for what it is worth. You do not EVER know the full story til you hear BOTH sides of the story and my dear you have not. So this is all hear say and bull shit.

Anonymous said...

Oh and you have heard the full story or are you just another one of Amandas ass kissers?

Anonymous said...

Nope I haven't heard the whole story and I never will and neither will any of you so all this is pointless.

Anonymous said...

Then why the hell are you sitting there like a dog waiting for table scraps? If it's pointless, then why bother? I come to these blogs to see if there is any truth to the rumors that fly around the scrap stores because I don't want people like that in my stores.

Anonymous said...

I come here and to all the other to see how stupid and childish all the tagger scrappers are they are ruining there own business LOL and I lmao everyday!

Anonymous said...

LMFAO they can't ruin their business if no one knows who they are.

Anonymous said...

3:51 We do not have to know who they are. Its the tagger community in general that has ruined it for all the tag scrappers. They are really getting a bad name because of the few that feel that drama is so much fun. None of this crap started until they decided to start making kits.

Anonymous said...

"None of this crap started until they decided to start making kits."

Denial isn't just a river in Egypt. I've been around the scrapping community for a long time; first as a scrapper, then as a CT, then a kit designer, and the drama and bitching about each other, and calling each other thieves etc has always been there. Long before the tagger scrappers appeared on the scene.

You're just looking for a scapegoat for bad behavior.