Sunday, December 14, 2008

Ok now, good points, bad points

Well, I must say that it seems there is a brand new touchy subject out there in the digi scrap world, and it seems to hit upon quite a few raw nerves. I have to say I agree and I disagree with you. Let me tell you why. First off, I do have to say it seems that everyone comes out of the woodwork during the holidays all spouting off about who needs a charity kit done, who needs the money for this or that reason, and after awhile it does grate on ones nerves because no matter what anyone says, no one truly knows if these "charity" kits are truly legit. Why do they only come out during the holidays? I don't feel comfortable buying any product online that goes for charity unless it comes from a legit site that I can actually truthfully verify. I know over there in the states you people have Shriners, War Veterens, and who knows what else that are actually legit corporations that need your help, and the Shriners have helped a family member who lives in the states, my sister to be exact who has a child with a birth disorder that the Shriners have been helping. She lives on military benefits while her husband is in Iraq, and that certainly doesn't cover medical expenses, so of course that charity gets what I can give it too.

But when it comes to all these different people who toss out their sob stories of a life gone wrong, diseases, disorders, and what have you, how do we honestly know that this is true? How do we know the money actually goes to these people and what they do with it? We don't. We only have whatever the person gathering the money tell us. There are so many places out there in the world that can help a person in their time of need, without them all turning to people online to help them out. Even though are very generous and kind hearted souls out there, none of us know what is the truth. How many generous souls have given money to people only for it to be spent on something wasteful?

So when it comes down to charity, I can see all of your points, and can see both sides of the coin. I personally choose not to give to people online who post their stories, not because I think they don't need help, because I'm sure they do, but because I don't know if their story is true or not. I have enough in my own life to pay for health care, my kids, my home, and day to day living without wondering what that faceless person with a sad story is really going to do with the money they get.

Go ahead, discuss it, leave your points, both good and bad, I'd like to hear them since you brought it up in comments.


Anonymous said...

I totally agree. There are way to many Charity kits out there right now. It seems that everyone knows someone that has a serious illness. It is sad really. People take advantage of people's generosity during the Holidays. Im all for giving to Charity do not get me wrong. I give to the Salvation Army and many others. When I see someone putting on their kits Please give my children a Christmas that really hits a nerve. If you want your kids to have a Christmas and you are not making enough money doing designing then go out and get a job! If you already have one then maybe you should get a second! Do not rely on those people out there that are giving out of the kindness of their hearts and give them a guilt trip. You have had a whole year to figure out where the gifts are going to come from. Why should a complete stranger buy something from you because you feel that your kids need to have a extravagant Christmas? There are many many real charity's out there that are well known and these people that have all these friends that are sick well get off your asses and do something yourself to help them instead of relying on others. Fact is these people do not exist, They are figments of most peoples imaginations to make one feel sorry for them. Im sorry but Charity due to all these beggers has really made these designers look horrible. Its not going to help their sales but make them lose alot of customers.

Anonymous said...

You and the blog owner have a point and I'm sure if this topic gets rolling that there will be hell to pay verbally by those out there who are staunch supporters of helping those in "need". But I say the same as you, if you really need your kids to have a good Christmas, then any minimum wage job will help a little, but you don't need tons of money to give them a good Christmas. My parents raised three kids on minimum wage and put us all through school and we always had a wonderful Christmas, and when I was growing up, minimum wage was under 3 bucks an hour. My family built the holidays around family and what was important instead of how many gifts we got and what brand they were, and now a days it's all about the brand. The way I see it, one t shirt is made of the same cotton another is, but yet the brand costs 4 times as much. Most likely these people needing extra money for the holidays just want to buy the most expensive out there for their kids or themselves. There are too many state agencies out there to help those less fortunate, and they should seek help close to home instead of from facelss strangers, unless it is more shameful to walk into a state agency and ask for help than it is to ask online where everyone hides behind anoymity. What else really bugs the hell out of me while we're here, is people who stand in traffic holding signs up asking for money for their kids surgery, house burned down, or some other nonsense. Why do states have places like the red cross and churches who donate food and clothing? Isn't it to help others in need? Why use the kids as an excuse for money? I saw one bunch standing at an intersection here holding signs asking for money for their babies surgery, saying no insurance etc, but yet there is the Shriners hopsital not far away that will help you get there, give you free medical care including surgery, and a place for the parents to stay! What made it so bad though is sitting a little ways away from the people begging, was a brand new four wheel drive vehicle, with another person holding a sign asking for money too, so if they had that nice of a truck why ask for money? It boggles the mind!

Anonymous said...

This is just outrageous. All this begging for money. All the single moms out there struggling for Christmas ect. Well did you ever stop to think that if you are struggling so is everyone else that you are asking for a hand out from? Your designs are not selling well guess what. No ones is really at this time of the year. Face it all you new designers come in here and think that the world is just going to run to your needs. Think again. Everyone is struggling right now so im with everyone else that said hang up the designing and get a damn job! Also the scrap world has become too satruated with people just throwing a bunch of actions up in a preview and calling it a kit. If you do not think outside of the box well no one is going to buy your designs. Use something besides a action once and awhile. This will also cut down on your costs of making these kits because you wont have every single action that comes out on the market. Im a Designer and I usually make very good money. I do not use all actions in my kits and save alot of money doing my own things. I reuse alot of the items I have which is common just learn how to change them up a bit. This will save you tons of money that you so desperatly need. Its very distateful all the begging going on. They do it everywhere. Store owners begging their designers to help them out. Like these store owners dont make enough money off the designers. People begging for others to help them in dst! Well guess what people shit is hard for everyone. Now move the hell on already. Get a job or shut the hell up.

Anonymous said...

9:59 PM


Anonymous said...

Stifflers Mom

Anonymous said...

I totalllllllly agree here is a good one for you to chew on:

she has this one up and then a couple of days later she posts this:

And here is the link to her store:

~so where do you all think the money is going how sad is this and where do you think she got the money to open her store? Let not forget she was working for AmandaK and was running the store at one point and time and we are supposed to trust her she is from the same ole batch of thiefs AmandaK is and she will take your money too!!! watch out!!! I guess anyone can open a store and how do we know where our money is really going?

Anonymous said...

TRUE! Did you know she used to have a store earlier this year and she had to close it due to no one buying the stuff there? now she is opening another one? And Amanda was recently an admin for digiscrapdepot's new store and a week ago quit! wonder why that was?

Anonymous said...

Anyone that associates with that theif Amber deserves what they get. She is the biggest con on the net. Not to mention a 2 faced pig. She will take whatever she can to get what she wants. She does not care who she hurts in the process. She rarely buys anything she is in every pirate group out there. I sure as hell would not buy from her store nor tantrums. Also this Cinnamon designs, She always has some crap up on her blog about not wanting to get into drama but yet posts the shit right on her blog! Now nothing against taggers trying to think they are designers but they all have saturated the digital community with the drama and bullshit and then they wonder why they arent accepted as designers. You are begging for money using a charity as a front so you can fill your kits with the latest actions. Well if your shit is not selling then maybe you need to go back to making tags? The 50 dollars a month you bring in from making these scraps would be hardly worth it I would say. pretty soon you will wisen up and realize that you arent designers. Tag sized kits can only be used for just that tags. Ok so what are you all going to do when there is no tag makers left because you are all trying to make a kit to sell? Who are you going to sell to then? Either way you are a bunch of theifs and it just disgusts me that people like this even exist. None of these stores would I purchase from if I did buy Tagger sized scraps which believe me I never would. Nor would any of the ladies that actually know what a real scrapper is. Its quite hallarious to sit and watch you all try to outdo each other with all the same actions in different colors. We love to go to these blogs for a good laugh.

Anonymous said...

are you kidding me. someone really trusted Amber Rose/BitterSweet what ever she calls herself enough to sell at her store? Go in business with her? and people are going to be stupid enuff to buy from her too? Oh this keeps getting better and better. nothing amazes me anymore. And she puts a charity kit for sale before Christmas and magically has money to open a store oh this is good. Does she think us taggers are stupid? Who ever "supposibly" has this charity kit done for them better thank there lucky stars if they see a penny of it let alone a portion. If this person even exist. This is the internet after all who do any of us know. I don't care if she is in a tagger, in share groups, scrapper or what not do you REALLY know her? Or is it possibly this is all a huge cover-up by a good con artist. How many of these have we seen?

Anonymous said...

Oh did you see the store Amber is opening. It looks almost exactly like another store that is out there. You can tell where she got her idea from. This woman cannot even come up with her own damn ideas to make a store. Does she think that this is going to bring her more buisness copying another store. Not quite Amber Rose all its going to do is make you look more like the stupid bitch everyone knows you are.Also how come that store is diminishing? Did you finally realize people are not stupid enough to buy your stolen shit? Get off your fat ass and do something constructive.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

December 18, 2008 7:58 PM

God you sound bitter and twisted.

Anonymous said...

You people make me sick to my stomach!! Don't you people have anything else better to do rather than bash, accuse, and defame someone?? So what! I have seen other stores have the same kinds of backgrounds...thats because they use the same web designers! Now as for UnitedScraps...the store isn't even open yet (I should know because I am one of the designers)and you are all finding fault with it...KNOCK IT OFF!!! As for the blog, gallery, etc...They have not even been designed yet!! You people need a life...get with the program and leave others alone. I really hate these blogs that rant and rave over things...It's all because the authors of these blogs are mad at those who kicked them out as designers for piracy in the first place!!

Just knock it off people...enjoy the holidays...and leave Amber alone as well as the store! Everything here is legit...I would not be one of her designers if I didn't check things out in the first place. Did it ever occur to anyone to ask the owners of the stores you bash and defame what the true story is?? No...I don't think you ever have! I rest my case!! Stores on the internet disappear and reappear everyday... mainly because of the transfer of webservers or a webserver discontinuing services and closing down. Check you information before you attack others on these stupid blogs!!

Anonymous said...

Well 1:50 it would be all fine and dandy if the store looked the same because of the same web designer but the thing is, one of the people that owns the store Im reffering to created the store herself and does not sell her design services to others. ")

Also some of us have had the unfortunate mishap of dealing with ms.Amber herself.

Anonymous said...

EXACTLY! I sold under her during her first store and she whined all the time about something or other with her friend or sister or something and not being able to design which was why she changed her name, plus payouts were late more often than not because she was sick of dealing with the drama she said, then it got to be too much financially for her to handle so she quit. It was every week a new email about keeping the store open, closing it, who wanted to help with advertising because she couldn't do it, it was always something. You wait, before long it will be the same again then you'll see!

Anonymous said...

Actually Amber got caught pirating other Designers items. She was called out on it in numerous places including DST. She was also contacted by the designers. She was forced to close as she had and still does have a bad name and rep in the community.

Anonymous said...

Well this just goes to show Amber is just like AmandaK and this is why they were running the store together. Yes you heard me right Amber was running the store in the beginning, she even helped open it so she must be just like all the other BS we have heard about AmandaK. She runs as soon as things get too much for her and here is another case of it. I left that store because I was sick of all the drama. I did not trust Amber and as soon as I heard she was had her nose in everything I knew I was going to ripped off so I left. Ali maybe ok but her partner sure is not she has a past more colorful than this AmandaK.

Anonymous said...

Miss 11:50 if you did your homework you would have known these things I would seriously back out while you can because this will ruin your name just as well. The smart thing to do now and days is to open your own store and do NOT trust ANYONE with your money or to have control over your products. These are your items not there and do you REALLY know anyone on the internet? Can you do a background check? Can you ask previous employers? Can you ask for references? Can you see there face and look in there eyes to see if they are lying? How do you even know they are who they say they are? TOO many designer changer there names and go under alias names. She has done this already as you see. There is a warning sign already. Another is she has enemies already as you can see and a bad rep to boot. I have seen many scams on the internet and this is why it is so easy. Unfortunatly I have been duked by one and guess what they were NOTHING like I thought they were NOTHING.

Anonymous said...

Well all I am going say is I know for a fact Ali is in share groups and shares other designers stuff. How do I know because I am in the same group. She did not even have the common sense not to use her own name in there everyone knows she is there. She is just as quilty as the other one.

Anonymous said...

To Ms. December 18th 7:58 pm, you really have nerve picking on taggers. Scrap is scrap, it don't matter what size, you can still make a tag. The only great thing about tagger kits, is you don't have to resize as much.

What do you mean by when all the taggers are gone?

That is a sorry attitude to take.

Now as for that charity kit, you know what, I will admit it I bought it. But the darn thing was worth every penny.

If people want to beg let them, doesn't mean you have to give them anything. No different from your average run of the mill homeless body in good old USA, begging on a street corner with a sign.

Some might sour attitudes running around this planet.

Anonymous said...

Im sure that Amber is loving the money she gained from the stolen items that she put in a fake charity kit. How do you think they opened their store.

Anonymous said...

I have one question here just one! Would you trust your hard earned money with a stranger? I don't think so then why is everyone so quick to sign on to a store and trust them with there money. All the funds goes to there paypal account. It is your money why are you trusting them to pay you your money? Open your own damm store and be in control of your own money, products, sales and stop trusting strangers with your money.

Buffy The Vigilante Slayer said...

Kinda like don't trust strangers with candy. lol

Anonymous said...

Well not all store owners are thieves like Amanda and Amber. Some actually care about their designers and pay them on time.

Anonymous said...

Yes they do and those are the ones who care about their designers. it's a select few jealous ass bitches who set out to ruin good people by taking their money, not giving them their product, and spreading lies about those they feel are threats. And why do people keep saying tag scrappers are not designers? Don't people realize that we are just giving the masses what they want? just because we don't have kits like scrappers do, doesn't mean we aren't designers! Our kits are made with all the PTU tubes in mind and stats. not for traditional scrapping.

Anonymous said...

Give up on the poor little tag designers. Who gives a shit what you do. Go make your tag kits and shut the hell up. One thing is this though as the other person brought up. When all of the taggers are making kits and no one is tagging then what are you going to do? You will not be able to sell them as regular scrapkits. So that is something to chew on because if you think about it the tag world is getting smaller and smaller everyday due to all of you thinking you can make a easy buck off of a kit. Mark my words the tag world will soon be non existant.

Anonymous said...

What the heck do you know Ms. December 21st 4:42 pm? When all the taggers are gone...what a joke that is.

You digi scrappers are some rude & crude people. Why do you think full size scraps are so great...more like overpriced.

Anonymous said...

"You will not be able to sell them as regular scrapkits"

Why can't you people get through your thick skulls that tag size kits are simply full sized kits intentionally made smaller?

It's as simple as saving the full sized version.

Anonymous said...

Well let me tell you something little taggers. You have all stired up so much drama that no one is going to accept you into a full size store. If you are known as a tagger well you have done yourselves a world of hurt with the bullshit you all bring into the Digi Community. Also no store wants a shit load of kits full of actions. Get some creativity.

Anonymous said...

Amen to the last comment

Anonymous said...

2:23 AM

Not all of the tag scrappers are involved in this drama. Most of them you don't see mentioned at all. It seems to be the same old names mentioned all the time.

Also some of them have more creativity then some of the full sized kit designers. I've even seen commercial use items made by tag scrap designers in full size kits.

Plus there is just as much drama in the full sized world, if not more so.

Your kind of comments just smack of petty jealousy. Are they stealing your customers?

Anonymous said...

LMAO not hardly honey, I make damn good money. Evidently you are one of these drama stirring little bitches. I cannot wait to see what happens to all you little theives when the tagging world even gets tired of your shit.

Anonymous said...

I make damn good money too. In a real career, that requires a real degree.

I can't wait to see what no skill losers like you are going to do for money when everyone that scraps moves onto a different hobby.

Oh that's right, you'll just churn out another kid so you can be a fat arsed SAHM for awhile longer.


Anonymous said...

Some of you people are so rude. Do you kiss your kids with that mouth? I've seen many tagger/scrappers in full size stores, I'm one of them and I sell both sizes of my kits and do very well at it. When are you all going to realize that actions are made for full size scrappers, and that 90 percent of items in a full kit have come from someone elses CU products? Tag scrappers must make their kits in full size and then resize them, and many choose to keep them and sell both sizes. The world is a huge place people and there is room in the design world for all types of designers, and it's about time some of you accepted that and stopped acting like it is some 2 bit competition! For every variety of scrap kit out there, there is someone who is going to like it, no matter the type. And tagging has been going on for years, and even after tubes went PTU, it hasn't lessened any! It's just gotten bigger. Just because a tagger kit is geared toward taggers doesn't make them any less creative!

Anonymous said...

I am a retired tagger. I have gotten so tired of all the drama I left. I have moved to full size kits now and do layouts. Less stress and a way better enviroment not to mention it is not full of nothing but actions. If I wanted just actions I can make my own kit.

Anonymous said...

7:08 If you have such a successful career then why is your fat ass sitting here on this blog. Go get ready for your job. Also who said they do not have a full time job or had kids for that matter. Are you a psychic and can see what were doing when were doing it? . Do not bring children into your trying to feel better then others statement you just made. Now run along and go earn that paycheck on the corner with your successful career.

Anonymous said...

Amen 8:58 there is so much less drama and childlike behavior in the fullsize Scrapping World.

Anonymous said...

2:23 Plus there is just as much drama in the full sized world, if not more so.

Exactly because the trouble makers have ventured onto the land of scrapping. Which all boils down to the taggers. You did not see ANY of these smackblogs arise until the taggers decided to try to make a quick buck.

Well its all fine that you want to make scrapkits to earn money. Everyone has that right but this goes for full and taggersize kit makers.

Remember when you are pirating those actions, CU Items ect. Someone just like you created that and took the time and effort to do so. So what gives you the right to turn around and get it for free and then sell it to someone else?

Then in the same sentence you turn around and bitch and complain when someone steals your precious kits full of stolen actions and CU items and shares them.

My kits are shared all the time. Do I sit and complain and moan and bitch about it no. I look at it like this, If you are going to pirate my kits, at least do me the favor of writing a tutorial for me or do a layout so I get some free advertising out of the deal.

So those will come and purchase it at least if they like what they see.

Anonymous said...

1:13 PM

I'm not a tagger or a kit designer, I'm a scrapper, and it's only because people like me buy your stuff that you're able to make money from it. That said, if I had a clue who you were, you nasty jealous bint; I would no longer touch your stuff out of principal. You're no better than the taggers you're slamming.

Grow up.

Anonymous said...

8:17 Shut Up

Anonymous said...

9:21 PM

Hit a nerve did I?

Again I say...

Grow up.

Anonymous said...

and again I say shut up. You far from hit a nerve. I could give 2 shits less what people like you think.

Anonymous said...

Only a child would say something like "2 shits" and you obviously do care, or you wouldn't keep responding.

So unless you ARE a child, thank you for proving you really do need to grow up.

Anonymous said...

Well speaking of being a child, You are doing the same exact thing as the person before you is doing 8:03. "So maybe you need to grow up as well? It looks as maybe they hit a nerve? Also I do not know how you raise your children but I have taught my children not to use language like is used on this blog. As came from you 8:03

"Only a child would say something like "2 shits" and you obviously do care, or you wouldn't keep responding."

Children should not use language like that. Were you not taught that when you were a child? It is inappropriate behavior for a child to speak this way.

Maybe you are a child that needs a good talking to as it is obvious you have nothing better to do then to sit and get the last word on a blog that is not all about you. Unless you are one of the many that they are talking about here?

Anonymous said...

"Were you not taught that when you were a child?"

Yes, and I was also taught what quotations mean.

Your lame attempt at humor really just shows your lack of literacy skills. Oh, and nice work trying to pretend to be someone else defending you, when it's extremely obvious it's you.

You still need to grow up.

Anonymous said...

"Were you not taught that when you were a child?"

Yes, and I was also taught what quotations mean.

Your lame attempt at humor really just shows your lack of literacy skills. Oh, and nice work trying to pretend to be someone else defending you, when it's extremely obvious it's you.

You still need to grow up.

Anonymous said...

Really what does it matter if people do full sized kits or taggers sized? As long as they are enjoying what they are doing. Does it effect you? If you do not like the tagger sized kits then just do not buy them and do not venture into their stores. It's pretty simple.

I am a tagger but only make full sized kits. Not because I have anything against tagger sized. I sell at full sized stores and taggers buy my kits just the same as if they were tagger sized.

I make quite a good living off of my kits. It pays my bills. That is all I care about. I do not feel that anyone should be judged on what size they want to make or what they want to use in their kits. None of us are God so we should not be judging what others do.

Let each be their own. Enjoy the hobby or turn on the soap operas and get your drama that way. This is a hobby we enjoy so let it stay that way.

Anonymous said...

7:02 PM

Nice to see someone with some common sense and maturity.