for people to sit back and think about what is going on around them? And for that matter why is everyone so adamant that AK is innocent in all this? Somehow I think the people opening paypal tickets against her as well as all those who are coming forward with similar experinces must have truth to it all, otherwise why would they all be commenting about what they have lost to this woman?
Oh, wait, I get it, everyone must be in on it! It's a conspiracy to take down one woman! It must be! Why else would everyone secrectly ban together and decide to ruin her? Damn, I missed out. Maybe I should learn how to make something so I can say I was taken in too and be in on the game!
Wake up morons! People who have dealt with her first hand can't all be conspiring against her surely they must be right!
And these constant changes in the story are hilarious. First off, she closed it, then opened it again, then it was hacked, then it is sold? HAHAH Hilarious! Which is it? It can't be all of them!
I always try and speak FOR those who have been wronged, and for the taggers and scrap taggers, because they need a place to fit in the design world too, and funny thing is you don't see the traditional scrappers out there bitching, just the taggers! Goes to show you the bad side of things doesn't it?
Either way, people stop bitching at me because of this mess, I didn't make it, lol And I have only spoken the truth about things I have SEEN with my own eyes, not here say.
Get a life of your own and a hobby for petes sake, lol
Who's Making Who Laugh?
Well for one, JennK, you REALLY make me laugh, considering your the biggest
two faced shit stirring dyke on the internet.
You really are something else, and...
16 years ago
OH give it a rest already. Your blog is and will always be second rate. You cannot think of your own topics you have to take from all the others. Get a mind of your own. And seen with your own eyes bullshit you are spouting off untruths just like everyone else. I have seen no proof yet. And I think it is hilarious you all say you KNOW everything. Let me see it the proof. You are just an angry bitter person who has something against her because she is better than you or maybe she stole your boyfriend. Get a life. Quit worrying about this shit. Don't you have a fucking baby to take care of and if this is the way you act why the hell are you breeding?
Like she said, email her and you'll get the proof. And furthermore, check the post times yappy, she posted about this way before the other blog did. And I quite think that you should take yourself elsewhere and stop being a pain in everyones ass. Looks like all you have to do DOG is sit there and BITCH like the stinky mutt you are since you seem to enjoy lurking and posting the same drivel over and over. Find someone who really cares what you have to say. LMAO I highly doubt she went to England and stole the blog owners boyfriend, that would imply AK actually gets off ehr ass and uses the money she stole to go somewhere. And ya know, why the hell do you breed? because obviously you certainly are not fit for breathing much else anything else more sophisticated! Who said the blog owner was worrying? What makes it your priority that she can't post her opinions? LOL You're the bitter one, or are you one with your nose stuck so far up Aks ass that you can't get the shit stink out of your nose?
6:21 how old are you? By the intellegence of your post I would say you cannot be over the age of 12. Young kids such as yourself should not be using the language that you have brought onto this blog. Now just as the owner of this blog has stated several times. EMAIL HER for your proof. What a stupid pittiful life you must have to sit and stalk a blog and worry about what is being said about your thief friend. Also stole her boyfriend LMAO. That is not even relevant to anything that is being spoken of here and only a very immature dumb ass like yourself would say something so idiotic. Grow the hell up already and go do something constructive like take a class on how to speak like a adult
Weren't you bitching about how innocent amanda was when the Darkside slammed her?
But of course now that it's on YOUR blog, you want everyone to believe you.
I did email her and guess what no proof, no email so you shut the fuck up!
I did email her as well and have yet to receive anything.
Well maybe unlike you she has a life to tend to so bitch you shut the fuck up.
I don't think she does REALLY have a life because she has her nose in everyone elses and her life must be fucking boring because she is trying to ruin everyone elses to make hers better. In the end she is still the same boring person trying to raise her blog to fame but in the end it is and will always be second rate noone gives a shit what she thinks or anyone else does. But boy do I love it the more you stupid "taggers" rip apart each other the more my sales go up! So keep it up!!!!!!!!
What other blog? I would like to read to get others views
Well if you are not Amanda then you must be Steve to know for sure that you so admittly know the truth! But then again it would not be the first time you pretend to be a woman from what I hear.
Actually Im not a tag scrapper, I for one think that they are just a bunch of drama making bitches. Im a full size kit creator. I make very good money and yes my sales are getting better due to the drama starting bitches no one wants to deal with this bullshit.
2:20 AM
Then why are you here?
To get a good laugh and rub it in that you are all just a bunch of dumb stupid bitches. Everyone needs a good laugh once and awhile.
6:54 AM
I agree, and potty mouthed people like you are the most fun to laugh at.
Umm no I don't think the blog owner bitched about Amanda being innocent when the darkside slammed her. So you're wrong about that, But I did hear that the blog owners sister is a scrapper who was wronged by Amanda recently so I'm sure that is where the proof comes from about the emails.
That still does not give her proof unless she was there for EVERY conversation and ORIGINAL email to her/him whatever it is. Other wise it is all gossip and hear say not fact or proof of anything.
doesnt anyone have links to this other so called blogs?? i keep hearing about? ive been asked to join a store but i wanna do my research first
8:14 - you are wrong. She DID slam the Darkside for spanking amanda claiming that their proof was fabricated, like she ALWAYS did with EVERYTHING they posted.
It looks like she just needs something to bitch about, doesnt matter if it's right or it's wrong, she just wants to bitch.
I agree with the prev. poster, she must not have a life.
LMAO you people are wrong, do you not know how to read? She never slammed the darkside for smacking Amanda, not the first time, she actually was the first to bring it public what Amanda did, as well as someone posted those emails in the coments, but she deleted them all when holier than thou Nancy came on here spouting off about slander and libel, lol Go back to your hole asswipe.
SO Has DRAMA QUEEN come forward yet? We ALL know it is you running this blog because LOL one of your REALLY good friends is telling EVERYONE! OH by the way how is your FAKE pregnancy? Twins right LMFAO (See what I mean about fucking liars on the internet) oh and how about how you treat your designers and run your store I would LOVE 2 see that shit on here!
Thats right I am back, And I am not alone. How original. You claiming you are here for the greater good of ALL tag designers. What a load of CRAP. You are here to voice 1 person's opinion and nothing more. You came to the dark side saying how WE were wrong about that whole tantrum mess, how all of screen shots were FAKE, as if we could make up a mess like that, and now you are saying that the tantrum is TRUE? She is scamming people? Which is it? You talk out of both sides of your mouth. And now you have talked yourself in a circle and you can't tell which is true and which is fabricated. And I am going to guess that most of your BS is fake.
And to the commentor above me, I'd LOVE to hear what you have to say about ms buffy.
Make up a new email address and email me at the link at the blog!!
jan 6th
can you give us more details?
You people are a bunch of jackasses. It seems no mater what you are going to try and find fault with something or someone and you always assume you know who so and so is. Just what makes you think you know who this blog owner is? Did you ever stop and think that maybe you are wrong for once? Or are you to lofty in your aspirations to be he skankiest bitches on the internet to see beyond the stink of your nasty snatches? I remember you stupid blog and you did post altered shit for everyone to see. It was altered because it took you forever to put something up only to find it was dated weeks earlier. Why was that? It was just so you could make your grand entrance with your so called proof after you made sure it was near perfect. I got news for you nasty bitches, this blog is not run by or affilated with drama queen at all. But no matter what people say or do, they will believe what they want to, and you are no exception. The blog owner chooses to remain anonymous just like you do, and she is pregnant, and currently on restricted bed rest for the remainder of her pregnancy due to it being high risk. But hey, it's a free country and you can believe whatever you want to believe. I just know it is nasty skanks like yourselves who make the designing world an unhealthy place to be. Go back to your boring life you obviously lead since you have so much time to devote to ruining others for your 15 minutes of fame. one of these days you will realize that you cannot control the design world and that it damned sure doesn't revolve around you and it certainly isn't your responsibilty to point out what everyone else does. Seems to me the design world was pretty damned peaceful with no upheavel other than Amanda stealing money until you skanks came back on the scene. Wonder if anyone realizes your own lies there patty whack? What was it you said, you were forced to go private? LIES. if you were private, why make a new blog? Why not open your "private" one to the world to see what shit you have been spreading behind closed doors?? Oh, that's right, there is no shit to spread because you had no blog until now. Oh and for the record, Michelles store has been in the works for months, it has been advertised in designing groups since last Fall, so this is nothing new, except your shitty vendetta. get a life, or go suck down some bon bons and leave people alone. I think many have had their fill of your nastiness and have went their own way and on with their own lives merrily without you in them. Stupid bitches, nothing better to do than cause trouble. Maybe you need a new street corner to stand on.
OMFG LMAO It's been a week and the ole barkside hasn't had anyone bite on their tasty boner, er bone, lol Looks like no one really gives a rats ass that you came back spouting the same old shit again, go back to your holes you self proclaimed bitches, no one wants you! You know how I know? because you are spouting the same shit from your pie holes you did before, and you have resorted to trolling the other smack blogs o announce yourselves!! That is so typical of attention whores like yourselves Patricia. When are you gonna get it? No one who is anyone really cares what you do or say and frankly, people are doubting the good you actually do! Those who outright believe the shit you spout off are just as stupid as you are! Oh well, you know what they say, when you lie down with dogs you get fleas, and the barkside is the biggest doghouse of them all and infested with bitches full of fleas!
January 15, 2009 8:15 AM
Damn you're a potty mouth.
someones panties are in a bunch
funny that they'll talk shit here though and not at the darkside to their "faces"
sniff* sniff*
Yeah - smells like bullshit
Oh and check your facts, it only makes your ignorance more obvious
lol @ 8:15 & 8:30
here's a tip..........
ohhh big talkers jackasses, what are you. the new barkside lap dogs that run lick the bitches asses and tattle on what these other mean ole people are saying about them? Why bother going over there? You are already here slobbering all over the place waiting for more scraps to fall off their plates! You people are such ignorant assholes because you're the ones who don't have your facts straight. But then again, it'd idiots like you who like to laugh at other peoples pain, so no wonder you troll the smack blogs for enterainment. Serious lack of brain cells. Now go ahead children, run along and tattle to mama patty whack that nothing good was said here today for her to chew on, so she can sit there with her greasy litle head in her hands wracking her brain for ways to gain the attention she so richly desires.
LMFAO I rest my case, pop over there to the barkside people and see! I said it, they did it, they lurk over here and then run like little tattle tale five year olds packing tales back to their momma! Just goes to show you people are like sharks, waiting for the next body to fall in the water so they can eat them. Ole barkside has nothing good to report as obvious by the serious lack of comments made over there, and then some of them referenced this blog, lol I hope the blog owner comes back here soon and has something to say about this, because looks to me you assholes have a rival for your attentions. Now I think I'll pull one of their tricks and lurk in the shadows awhile and see when they pop over here to post again or lurk themselves, lol kinda funny seeing them scurry like rats and tattle tales. Someday you will learn that no one really cares what you are doing anymore, is it ever gonna sink into those greasy little heads of yours? You died before, and now your new blog is doing the same thing, dive bombing right off the proverbial cliff. lol Oh and ftr people, I wasn't angry, just amused.
8:29 AM
You're off your meds aren't you.
lmao, who me? Never. I just think this whole vendetta crap is for the birds. it is always some asshole out there who decides they are judge, jury, and executioner for very little transgression they see or everyone they don't like. My guess, if the truth be known, those very same people are doing the same thing behnd your backs, you just don' know it. What better way to keep your own ass covered if not by making sure you have everyone else damned to hell in a hand basket first? Do you honestly think they have that many people who seriosuly give a rats ass about what they are doing to give them all those screen shots, pirate info, and what have you? Ever occur to you to wonder how they got it if they weren't in those groups too? After all, what better way than to be there yourself! Nothing better than a smoke screen of being the righteous ones to bring the naughty people to heel! So it seems to me that you all just follow the crumbs along the trail and wait for the next one to drop, so who's off their meds now hmm? Why don't you sit back and do some serious thinking of your own there bub instead of asuming you know the truth behind it all. Because you know nothing.
and that's why THIS BLOG is SO MUCH better right?
I agree with the other poster,
you ARE off your meds.
But, in all truths, its boneheads like you who keep us all laughing for hours. So rant on idiot. You're providing us all with comic relief.
How can you determine a lack of posts by comments?
Youve got some SERIOUS issues that need medicinal attention.
You assume WAY too much and think that your assumptions are the utmost truth. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but you know what they say, opinions are like assholes, everyone has one.
Yours just happens to be where your mouth is.
6:08 PM
You're assuming that I'm saying I know anything, when I'm not.
I take half these accusations with a pinch of salt and I don't believe the rest at all.
I'm just here to giggle at the ranting and raving.
It's funny, this blog posted it's version of "truth" and YOU believed it. How do we know their facts weren't distorted? We don't.
And how do YOU know there wasn't a private blog and still isn't? YOU DONT. So assume all you want. In one breath you are stating how wrong it is to assume your right, then a couple bullshit lines later, you are doing the same thing. Well, there IS a private blog. With many good-standing DESIGNERS as members. It's a way for them to track pirates and theives. And for them to rant and rave in a setting fitting for designers. Just because your ghouls are not part of a designing community worth mentioning does not mean it isn't true.
And just because it just so happens to be YOUR crowd ALWAYS being reported on the darkside, should give you a little incentive to step back and evaluate your friends. But instead you bark from the other side of the fence with all the others.
The darkside gave a lot of insite to many things going on in the customer-based community. And I am grateful for that.
You stated that YOU KNEW that the images were edited. How do you know? How did you come to the conclusion that they were, absolutely, 100% distorted? Twisted to make them true? How do you know 100%? You don't. You would stand to learn from a critical thinking class.
So I guess it stands to reason that if it's ok for you to inaquitably think that one way is right, that it's ok for the rest of us to think another way is right.
Welcome to democracy and the day and age of free-thinking!
I know they were altered because I altered them and sent them! Now take that and deal with it. Just goes to show you, that you don't have a clue what you are talking about. I also sent those bitches information they posted that wasn't true as well. Think about that for awhile and tell me how many of you are just dogs waiting for the next bone!
8:07 AM
So you send them intentionally faked information smearing someones name, then try to make it look like the darkside are the bad guys?
Wtg, you just won an award for being the most vindictive bitch on the net.
Proud much?
8:07 You seem to be the only BITCH barking the loudest.
Truthfully, I dont buy your brand of "because I did it". I think you just want to make those at the darkside look bad no matter what the cost. In your pea brain implicating yourself would make it seem as though you are spouting truths when in fact, you're just a low-life nobody with no "offline" line so you try to make one for yourself online.
It's a shame you had to show just how big of an idiot you really are to prove absolutely nothing.
By the way, since you are obviously vying for so much attention, I thought i'd inform you that you're getting a lot of laughs and are the punchline for many discussions at the private forum. Job well done!
Congratulations, your an "official" ass.
oh my f@cking gosh..
i'm dying laughing over here at the GALL of poster 8:07 am.
ALL of the darkside's sources, including myself are at the new private forum, so spare us your bullshit.
what a f@cking moron you are!
This takes the cake once again there is NO traffic on this blog UNLESS you have to bashing someone elses blog or riding on the coat tales of another blog owner!! Scrapper Beware, The Darkside and now the Return of the DarkSide when OH when are you going to give it up? Either get some of your own creativity which obviously ONLY works when you are TRYING to get pregnant or move on and quit stealing other peoples ideas!
What I want to know is where is the blog owner? And don't you people think that this is all a bunch of bullshit just to keep the shit stirred and how do you know it's the same person or what they said is true? Ya'll will believe anything. maybe someone ought to stick some shit on a plate and call it caviar and you'll believe it. get a life people, the real world is calling and so are your children, they want their mommy back, go do something worhtwhile instea dof believing everythung you read. idiots, you all are who looks bad.
If the blog owner is smart she is hiding her head in shame!
The blog owner is in the hospital on bed rest due to premature labor. I doubt she'll be around for awhile. One thing is certain though, she is not drama queen or a scrapper at all like some people seem to think, but like someone in the comments said, you people will believe anything.
I agree with the previous posters. The only traffic this blog gets is when its bashing other blogs for traffic.
Sure, shes in the hospital.
Oh really? Since when know it all did the ole darkside go private? I just read their happy new year bitches post, and it looks to me like they just stuck up a new blog. if they were so private with a hidden blog before then why bother to go public with a new one? Looks to me like they'd invite their readers to a trash fest where the ones being trashed couldn't respond. Either way, looks like they have royally tanked this time around, by the tone of the replies to their posts, it is the same people responding over and over, if not the assholes themselves just to keep trouble stirred! From what I read, looks like the same ole drivel being flung out there, and this time around no one is biting. Maybe people have gotten the idea that this petty school yard bullying is going no where fast and they waste their time and effort trying to ride the wave of popularity. Oh, btw, the same people posting over there are the same ones coming here and being bitchy, must have their tampon in vrooked or something because they have nothing better to do than run from blog to blog and post like tattle tales, lol
You're SO MUCH better right?
Good God get over yourself, you complain about people repeatedly posting but your doing the same thing. Hypocrite much?
I could care less about this or any other blog. I'm sure you'll talk smack about this post, your the type of person who just cant shut her face. Go ahead...Prove me right so everyone else can get a laugh.
......This just in...
It's a BLOG. Its for OPINIONS. Everyone is entitled, including your obsessive compulsive self. So until you shut your trap, dont expect anyone else to. Want a change?
BE the example.
Oh like you are being much better yourself there bub. Hello, Pot calling kettle here! Then why are you here posting? Have nothing better to in your day either than sit and post drivel yourself? I kinda don't think you have any room to talk.
Its funny, this blog was first created to ruin pimptress. and now you bitch when people attack the blog owner? Or Michelle or any other tagger people? fuck this blog. fuck all blogs, who cares. if you like their shit, buy it. if you dont, leave the store. this he said she said shit is so high school. these blogs are near maddening drivel. yes i know i am here too. that blasting come-back is so old already.
grow up, move on and get a life.
This blog was not created to ruin pimptress, who in the world did you come up with that crap? LMAO Someone has a high opinion of themselves! Go back to the beginning and read, it wasn't created to "RUIN" anyone, lmao idiot.
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