Monday, February 23, 2009

All is quiet it seems again

Well, looks like the masses just don't have the same interest they did in virtual blood anymore, lol I think these things go in cycles, like trends. One comes in, another goes out and it just keeps going around and around. Only difference is, the second time around not as many people follow the trend!

I'm not in very much these days because there just isn't much newsworthy to talk about. It's all the same old stuff, repeats if you will of the same drivel spouted before.

I have however gottena huge kick out of reading the comments, lol you people have got some imagination as well as a mouth a sailor would be proud of!

Once again, I find the need to remind you, I'm NOT Drama Queen, I don't know who she is, and frankly, I don't care. If this girl had a store and didn't pay you, then don't come here accosting me, because that has nothing to do with me, lol far from it! One of these days some of you will reach over your heads and pull that chain that turns the light on and you will see that not every freaking shadow that flashes across the wall is what or whom you think it is. It does get tiresome reading those accusatory emails demanding your money, when I don't even know who you are much less why I'd owe you money. lol Frankly, I think you'd be beter off filing a complaint with the better bsuiness bureau or with the stores domain host you have a beef with, they'll help find the woman you are after ebcause it sure as hell isn't me. lol

Now I'm off to breakfast and then cocoa and a much needed nap. Perhaps you ought to do the same.


Anonymous said...

No, not all is quiet. You're just out of the loop.

Anonymous said...

so where is the loop then!

Anonymous said...

Well look at the darkside they know!

Anonymous said...

LMAO looks like the blog owner needs to catch up...but then again all was quiet for awhile. And the darkside doesn't know squat! They just have a buch of people psoting comments and rumors of the same ole biddies who caused trouble before, where is anything ne win that? people get a grip on reality, the darkside only came out in public again to harrass Michelle H, and because of the blog Nemesis had up against Amanda K. You'd think if there was any "real" drama out there that it would be reported instead of the same old slop we've all grown tired of.

Anonymous said...

lol someone sounds a tad jealous.....

Anonymous said...

OH I called it ( now look Amber has gone off and closed her store and not paid her designers yet AGAIN. Won't answer her phone, emails or any response. Her hubby claims he does not even know her whom by the way is the one who owns the paypal account for the store. And everyone is surprised LOL why did you read the writting on the wall before hand!

Anonymous said...

Because everyone is busy chasing cars, lolWell now you have Drama Queen Who left with no word, Amber who stole from her designers and closed her store, Amanda who kept money from her designers and products form her customers AND lied about her store being shut down with no warning, and Michelle H whole is the queen of chargebacks opening her own store...what is the digi world coming to?

Anonymous said...

Oh you forgot the queen of pirates Nemeses opening her own store whom this blog owner had her head so far up her ass and come to find out she had a hidden agenda also. Now whats next!

Anonymous said...

Let me point out at Amanda's store where I was a designer Amber did do the payouts and most of the work there as well as what she did when she was at Ali & her store which I spld at as well. Same set-up, same problem. It is just a little funny I think. Seems where ever Amber sticks her nose there are missing funds. Just an observation. She jumped out and was bad mouthing Amanda and was quick to bash her and now she has done this, I now find this a tad bit amusing however I have learned never to be associated with her or anything she is directly involved with.

Anonymous said...

whatcha mean this blog owner was up her ass? LMAO I don't see how you figure that.

Anonymous said...

Looks like the Barkside once again closed it's doors. I guess they wore out their 5 minutes of fame. I am sure however that patricia or Sasha will be in here with another excuse as to why it has closed.

Anonymous said...

Oh no doubt. People like them always turn back up when you least expect it, causing trouble. You'd think they'd realize it makes them look like stupid asses for what they are doing. Schoolyard bullying is all it is. Why else come back and post a new blog like they did? No wonder they don't show their faces, they are too damned ashamed to admit who they are, most likely it would ruin their own lives if people knew who they really were. They have no room to talk about people posting anonymously because look at them, hiding behind fake names too. Oh well, no one really cares what they do anymore I don't think. And frankly, I don't think they had much to go on either since it took them two months to get replies to their post anyway and then half of them were about other people.