Tuesday, September 30, 2008

To Address Lori

Who kindly left her name on her comment:

Ignorant and proud of it; that's you in a nut shell! You are just slurping up all the drama and creating more where there is none. Now it's the disclaimer? What's next, the background and font?

Ohh looky there! There is the font, lovingly put in blue! Just to hilite your observations, or wait, that wasn't an observation that was an idiotic comment!

Who is slurping up drama puss? Looks like you want your name in lights! The disclaimer isn't mine toots, it's a copy from over at the bark side, need glasses? All I'm doing is simply posting my opinions like everyone else does, and you call that drama? Well drama mama go back and read the post you are referring to, and keep the drama to yourself. It's asshairs like you who don't read carefully and go jumping to comments to make yourself look like an asshair too.


I'm sitting here laughing my arse off right now. Why? The Wall of Shame is my hero, lol Finally someone who gives as good as the, what did she call it, oh yea, Bark Side, ARF ARF Sit up, beg, roll over, play dead! Yea right, like that is going to happen anytime soon. Love the way they have their new "warranty' listed, wtf does that mean? Aren't warranties for toasters? LMFAO. And they take no resposibility for the content! HAHAHA, why not? They are the ones accepting it and posting it, so I've always been told, you name it, you claim it, so they should claim their shit too! Kinda wonder what product they have and wtf do they pay their "employees", toilet paper to clean up their shit? Although I have heard noises made over there about closing the blog and moving to a new one where only store owners and designers have access? Kinda makes me think someone is getting a little pissed off that people are fighting back instead of fighting with them and agreeing with them. Don't you just love the way the topics get carried away and they close the comments off? Wonder if people get close to the truth and they shut em down to keep that from happening. Wonder how many have actually stumbled on the truth and don't know it? Who knows. All I do know is I get a damned good laugh out of them. They run around, throwing shit like a damned monkey on a rampage, accusing every commentor of being the same person. Must be nice to be so cock sure that everyone is the same person. Let em move their blog, if they do, it will give a strong indication to those who follow them but are starting to doubt their credibility that something just might not be right about everything they post. let em go take their trashy commentors with them. Sure I talk trash, but some of the words those asshairs use are not worth repeating! Oh yea! I used my favorite word! OI! Well all, this old bat is off for a spot of tea and then some rest. Until the morrow good people, keep the asshairs at bay and Goddess be with you.

Monday, September 29, 2008

And the saga continues....

Should be a soap opera, lol

Well, looks like some people just don't have anything better to do in their lives than start more trouble. Should be a shock but it isn't. I'm used to the blathering of asshairs by now. Who knew asshairs were anything but things that caught those little rolled balls of toilet paper when you wiped your ass? Yea, I've been over at the asshairs blog again, seeing what new trash they have sent down the river, and I tell you, we need hazmat suits over there just to read! Looks like they have started on ole MzP again as well as another potentially interesting blog, Time to Bite back, and of course the ongoing flavor of the month, babycakes, is again being shoved through the wringer by someone who claims to have known her years ago. (I wonder if she is very tasty or not LOL) LMFAO I find it quite odd that these people keep coming out of the woodwork claiming to know every little scrapper on the asshairs blog. Isn't that absopositively fucking rich? What are the odds in this huge web that so many people know so many of the same people? I dunno about you, but this ole gal is speculating that a bunch of people lead some seriously pathetic lives. HAH No wonder we call em all asshairs! All they're good for is catching the shit and toilet paper! I find it quite interesting though to see just what happens next, maybe one of them will get laid and actually have something worthwhile to talk about, but like a bad trainwreck, we all keep going back to see what unfolds! Goddess, we're pathetic, lol We're wreck junkies! lol Oh well, time for this ole bat to skedaddle, til next time, keep the asshairs clean!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

I am in awe!

I am so totally, absopositively in awe of this woman and her blog here: Time To Bite Back

I applaud her and bow deeply to her actions and guts because it takes brass balls to put all that out there to the public that most definately puts questions to the darkside of just how much shit they posted that was truthfully real. Sadly, I'm sure their nastiness served its purpose by ruining many up and coming designers and tag scrappers by getting their reputations ruined, booted from stores, and generally making their lives hell. Hopefully many of those store owners and others will now question their own rash actions in adding more grief to already scarred individuals.

I doubt that many of those designers on the list will respond because many of them are just trying to get their head above water again and continue on what they love and avoid the negative vibes, and I just wonder how many of them who did minor infractions such as helping others a little, or by simply sharing a few items, were actually accused with false proof of doing more than they actually did.

I know a few small designers on your list dear lady, who only did what they did out of the goodness of their own heart and to help others succeed, but for you vigilante blogs to go completely psycho on these people is really putting too much effort into nothing. I have to agree with bite back, there seems to be a personal vendetta from this MzCora whomever she is, but why she had all this time to be in so many groups and spy on people is beyond me, hell why did she stoop to such immature and spiteful levels as to keep proof of everyone elses wrongdoing? Is she that hard up for publicity that she would be a snitch? After my reading all she has been accused of? How can anyone truthfully say that some of the people the darkside have posted about are ringleaders or top of the food chain or the biggest pirates?

The way I see it, the ones you've posted about have done minor infractions, way minor compared to Pimptress, who apparently has a nasty streak a mile wide as well.

But, alas, we sit here and watch as the woefully ignorant asshairs, (yes! I used my favorite word today) sit in their own squalor and harrass everyone else for their own 15 minutes of fame, which seem to be the hilight of their lives. In the end, all you do is make yourself look big and self important to a select few of hate mongers like yourselves who obviously follow your every move like a love sick puppy. But you know what they say, if you lie down with dogs, you get the mange!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Dear Anonymous

Just what part of your comment below makes any sense? Did you not read anything written here? No one said I took scrap kits, no one said I took anything, lol Yuppers, I said I'm a pirate, complete with eyepatch and parrot, where is your brain asshair, THAT was sarcasm, ohh and so was this! You won't find me in any groups!

Please be advised that below is a nasty comment from an asshair, and I've been accused of using foul language? Ahh the laughter and joy of it all.

DIRECT COPY FROM COMMENTS, my commentary is in green.

Shut the fuck up you stupid retarted (OHH Who's RETARDED? Notice spelling)bitches. If you do not want your ass harrassed then it is simple enough that a child could even figure out that you just stop stealing shit. (Even a child gets their hands caught in the cookie jar every now and then) Can you not create your own? (WHY BOTHER? I have you oh so talented asshairs who hide behind anonymity to create for me) I know that you are obviously disabled (REALLY? looking in my bedroom window are you? There's words for people like you, STALKERS) and can only think with one side of your brain but it does not take much to create a kit of your own. Also if you actually put that one side of your brain to work you would go out and get a job so you could afford the shit to make your own kits! (Sorry but I don't think shit would make a good scrap kit, it might stink like your own you claim to make) Or better yet support us that do know how to make them and buy ours instead of stealing them. (LMFAO Can't buy what you refuse to post publicly, chicken shit, prove you make kits) You think it is so unfair that you are being harrassed but really if you put all those tiny brains of yours together you would realize that you would not be harrassed if you quit thinking it was ok to steal. (Who said I was being treated unfair? I'm just rallying for the little people who are being hurt over your jackassed attempts at life.)

LMFAO Some People

Guess what? The asshairs have spoken and apparently I use offensive words! Yup, you heard right, I use offensive language! WOW! SHOCKER! Alert the media!! We have a bonifide trash talker! Damn asshairs, get a lice comb will you and smooth out those tangles up your ass because I don't get how you think what I say is any worse than things you have said!

Vigilante Justice Served

One down, keep up the good work! Who is judge, jury and executioner now??


This blog is under review due to possible Blogger Terms of Service violations and is open to authors only!!


Guess what idgits? I'm not Cindy, don't know who she is, don't care. Good luck chasing your tails! Oh and comments are not off, you must have issues finding the button.

OHH New Goodies!!

Found a new blog, and yeppers, I'm following it. I like it! Maybe we'll all be able to band together and oust the vigilantes!! RAH RAH RAH someone give me my pom poms...I feel a cheer coming on!

Vigilante Ho ooo!!

Ohh and I say that so nicely!! You know, as in "Land Ho"? Sighting land, or well whatever, lol. Let's just be simple and say yep, vigilante sighted and let me tell you this new one is not that nasty yet, but I'm sure over time it will be! If it becomes wicked, mean, and nasty, then I'll post you the link of this new blog!

Meanwhile, down at the farm, the assholes have risen and have been out vying for the feed! I've been up early hoping to snag my own worm and hapeend to pop over to my new favorite vigilante blog and I swear, I think those assholes over there have nothing better to do with their lives than sit in front of their computer all day and wait for the blood to be spilled so they can lap it up like the asshairs they are. Asshairs, lol now let me tell ya there is a fun word, makes me giggle thinking it, asshairs, come on, try it on for size, I bet you'll be smiling too.

Anywho, joking aside, I've oft wondered if any of those vigilante groupies have stopped to think that they are in fact just the same as the so called pirates? YES THEY ARE! How many of them have actually purchased everything they own? I tell ya, I know I haven't, lol Yup, ole Buffy here is guilty of snagging some tunes every now and then. My poor little IPOD has a complex if it doesn't get a new tune or two every week. Anywho, I digress, I'm meandering off topic here again, lol.

I've been thinking of those blog owners, and how they "think" they are doing a good thing, well of course they are, would they do anything wrong? Goddess forbid they should! Remember their shit don't stink! I'm wondering just what makes them think they are good? They hide behind anonymity just as well as their trash talking commentators do! Come on people, you don't actually think those are their real names now do you?? If those are their real names, then I am sure as hell Buffy, The Vigilante Slayer! They sit over their and bask in the small space of glory and their fat and sassy contentment shows in every comment they respond to. Oh yes, contentment I say! What?!? Can't you sense sarcasm? OHHH there it was again, sarcasm! They hide behind false names, allow much false content to make its way onto their blog, and laugh at everyone behind their back, because as I said before, they have a personal vendetta against these people they are judging. I've noticed that many of the people they keep harrassing have not even bothered to respond to them and I bet that is why they keep posting shit, to goad out those they wish to fight with. Someone throw some raw meat into the ring and let these asshairs scrabble after it like so many mangy dogs looking for a meal, they sure need something better to do in their lives.

Lemme address something else. IP numbers, legal action, and hackers. YEA! the H word, lol All those people over there sitting there trashing all these designers, and saying they can't be touched, well hello Dolly!! WRONG! You can be touched! It doesn't take a lawyer or court order to gain information, no siree!! Know the right people, a few clicks, some good backtracing, and voila! You have a main IP and domain, no matter how many ghost programs you use. People it can be done. And we all know how google is slow to respond to anything, so even if someone did get a court order to ask for a blog to be shut down, it could take days or weeks to go through. So you know, the lady who is currently the celebrity being roasted just might have a case, you really never know!

In closing, as my coffee is nearly gone and the clock ticks ever onward toward time to leave for work, I say that people who sit on their asses all day in front of their computer refreshing pages of blogs to read the trash posted by other asshairs must lead a really boring life. Oh yes, I know you are sitting there waiting for someone to actually leave a comment, your own IP and domain keep cropping up in my sitemeter, which by the way is paid for and invisible. Get a real life people, and realize this crap you are doing online is virtual...read my letters: V I R T U A L! Don't make me spell it out again for your dumb ass.

I'd like for you to tell me what makes you so much better than the next person, what makes you so much more upstanding than these designers you keep trashing, and why on Goddess' green eath is it only the tag scrappers you have a gripe with? If you ask me, which looks like you won't, you:

1. Are jealous you didn't get in the market first
2. Have no talent
3. Have a boring useless life
4. Get off on harrassing others
5. Are pirates yourselves who don't want ousted
6. Haven't had a decent orgasm in ages (which is why you're uptight asshairs)

Damn people, get an honest to Goddess life here! All those people you keep harrassing just turn the other cheek, and continue doing what they enjoy and obviously the people that like them are going to continue liking them no matter what you say. I've seen all of them but one continue with what they like, and the one who left the digital world this week, well she is bad enough as it is since she is the one who has been turning everyone in, she may as well be shame faced and leave, because she sure as hell broke the code herself.

Let this shit be a lesson to you readers, don't think that because you are helping someone less fortunate that you are doing a good deed, because asshairs like those on the vigilante blogs will make themselves look like Mother Theresa and you look like, well, the asshair they already are.

And as for copyrights, unless you "designers" patented your actions, created your artwork completely by hand with no outside shapes or items, then you don't legally own anything that you create and sell. You have used basic items to create items to sell for profit, same as anyone who bought your stuff has bought it to create their stuff for profit, none of you own anything, and really have no right to dictate how it is used or what is done with it once it has been purchased. So go ahead, add in your own TOU exactly what is "allowed" to be created or shared with your creations, they aren't totally yours to begin with! If you can provide me with a patent number, or proof you applied for a patent on your stuff, then I'll agree you have a right to tell people how they can use stuff. surely you have the money to appy for a patent! You obviously purchased photoshop and psp and all the stuff you create with! So who is to say what is illegal? Hmm something to think about.

I'll continue sharing what I can when I can, and bask in the knowledge that no one knows who I am. Again, hold your heads high ladies and pick up your hems, because the shit keeps floating right on along, damn stuff never gets caught in the asshairs when you need it to.

Well, I Lied

I said in my first post I wouldn't speak of that nasty assed blog that was trashing everyone, but I have thought better of it. I've been following it for a bit of entertainment, something to chuckle about, ponder over and generally sit back on my ass and watch grown women make total asses of themselves. So before I give you said blog, let me note a few things of interest that have intrigued me. Those people on that blog have absolutely no tact, no compassion, no brains actually and are complete and utter cowards. I've watched them sit back on their fat ases and post altered screenshots, and yes they are altered shots, make no bones about it. Simple to do you know, gain access to one email with the persons name you wish to harrass, simply copy their name via cut, copy and paste, cut out a section of the email you wish to use, fill it in with the same color of the page, make sure you use that little eye dropper in psp girls, so the color matches just right, then simply paste onto that the name you already cut out from other emails. Add to that any text you have copied and voila, instant proof of the evildoers wrong doings! But be mighty careful of that little grey area behind your pasted parts, because the color never truly matches the original! Anywho, back to my thoughts, I've been following all these so called vigilante blogs for quite some time, and granted some give valid info like the recent chargebacks a designer was doing to stores, now folks that was wrong to constantly do that, but it was even more wrong for that blog and those "people" to harrass that person the way they did. I've followed all their pirate accusations too, and boy these people run with the same sleazy assed crowd as those tube vigilantes. I ask you what gives them the right to say who is wrong and right? What gives them the right to be judge, jury, and executioner? Surely these same people are not so innocent as they claim! Can't be! Not in this digital age where everyhting can be gotten free if you know the right people. That blog has outed several decent people who of course did the worst thing in the world ever...they bought something and gave it away to someone else. YES! You heard right, they shared something!! Well folks, in my opinion, I see no harm in helping my fellow man when their luck is down, not at all. Looks like generosity is a crime now, especially when many of these people help support their families by their sales, and Goddess knows that the action and commercial use designers make the big money, because scrappers sure as hell don't, so why the fuss puss? I sat there tonight reading the blog posts about the most recent pirate, and really, I can't call her a pirate or any of the others that have been blasted into oblivion on there. Why you ask? Because I'm a pirate too, lol yup folks, I am, complete with a freaking parrot on my shoulder and an eyepatch. Why do people want to ruin others lives? What have they ever done to you personally for you all to be so vindictive and hurtful? Are you so upstanding that your shit don't stink? HAHAHA get your panties out of the crack of your ass and sniff baby, because newsflash, your ass stinks! In fact, you stink! Sure in the end you might get these designers booted out of stores, might ruin their design name within the digital designs community, but you are forgetting one thing, well maybe a whole shitload of things, they still sell from their blogs, their customers don't know you or your blog, hell, their customers just want to buy scrap kits, half of them don't even know where the stuff comes from to make a kit, and really don't care either! Most of these designers started out selling on their blogs, and I imagine in the end if they are booted from their stores, they will go back to their blogs, or stat over with a new name. You must get off on harrassing people and slandering their good name just because they did something your uptight asses don't approve of. Either that, or you are sitting in all those groups on your fat asses all day waiting for someone to fuck up so you can run to your pathetic joke of a blog and harrass them. Yup, that's it, just one more life you get to ruin, one more notch in your bedpost, right? Right. So, let me assume that since you don't use your real names on your blog that you are afraid people will find out who you are and just how big of a hipocrite you really are, or that you are scared to death to post your real names and who you are because someone will turn on you and post all your wrongdoings for the world to see and then the tables would be turned and you wouldn't like that now would you? Of course not! I've noticed over there that many people you have harrassed haven't even defended themselves, so you just keep digging the barbs in deeper, and when a person does respond in some way, you start in on them again. Mark my words ladies, someday it will all come crashing down on your heads and you will be in the spotlight you won't find favorable. All it takes is one slip up, one teensy error and it's all over but the crying. When it does, I'll be laughing my ass off right along with all the others out there who think you are nothing but jokes. In the meantime, you keep giving all the publicity to these so called "pirates" and I'll keep buying their stuff just to spite you because hey, they need to make a living too. It's a sad day in the world when people become so petty that they want to ruin everyone else, or is it that they have such bad lives they want to bring everyone else around them down to their level too? Who knows anymore. I will say this to these ladies: Scrappy, Queen Brat, BabyCakes...hold your head high girls, this too shall pass and what doesn't kill us makes us stronger. You made mistakes, you admitted them, you move on, don't let those bitches bring you down! So you lose a store or two, big deal, you started off on your blogs, you were good enough stores wanted you, so go back to your roots, back to your blogs, your customer base knows where you are! Besides, it'll be more money you can pocket instead of paying store rent lol.

Now then, if you read all this way down here, then you deserve to know the blog in question. The Darkside

Don't say I didn't warn you, because those people are nasy, ruthless, and truly the stinkiest pieces of shit I've ever had the displeasure to come in contact with! Guess that could go for the same people who have the balls to keep emails from sharing groups and post them to blogs like that! Pretty low and nasty as well I say!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Hell hath no fury.....

Like a woman scorned, pirates scorned, hell, anyone scorned these days. What is the world coming to when everywhere you look there are people accused of stealing, being pirates, and ousting each other in some twisted up, fucked up game of one upmanship? I've been reading the blogs, and no, I won't post their links, I'm sure you know by now which ones they are. They're the stupid assed ones that keep posting drivel about pirates and scrapper/taggers being pirates and posting doctored screenshots where the names have been changed to either "protect" the innocent or to portray someone else as guilty. I've pulled every screen shot they have posted and looked at them closely, and most of them have been altered. Some of them, no, but most have. I just wonder what gives these bored women the right to sit on their fat asses all day and pore over peoples sites and blogs and stores and decide who is guilty and who isn't? Do they not have family that needs their attention? Why do they sit over there and let this shit continue? I know why, they want their 15 minutes of fame to turn into a lifetime of glory. I'm sure they are just as guilty as those they have ousted. Those that they profess to "know" are guilty that is. I've seen them sit there and let people call others names I wouldn't even call the worst stray dog I've ever seen. I've seen screenshots and comments from people who profess to know everything going on in the digital scrapping world. How many of them are truly innocent? How many of them are sitting there reading that blog and shaking in their boots that they won't be found out next, but yet gloating over those that have been ousted? And you know they are not all innocent. It's a really sad day when people think it is the right thing to do and open a group to share things amongst themselves, but yet keep copies of everything to cause others as much pain as they are going through. Why be so childish? Aren't we supposed to be adults and leave the elementary school shit behind? From what I have seen of the most recent screenshots that makes me question it, is the person who supposedly sent the blog those shots has incredimail that has her inbox name right at the top of it, and it doesn't match her email that she uses in groups and was outed under...so it brings me to a question..if she has one name she uses in scrapping and in public...did she open that particular share group under the name her incredimail screenshots came from??? Because if she did, then she is a two faced liar from hell. Makes it seem she opened a share group for the specific purpose of snagging and then keeping records of everyone elses wrongdoings! And reading through their comments, why is it that the first thing you see are certain designers names automatically? What have any of them ever done to those blog owners to have to endure that kind of harrassment? Ever heard of live and let live? Haven't any of them learned that no matter what you do to people, that karma will come back around and bite you in the ass twice as hard as what you have done already. This is the digital age people, and why you have chosen to attack the tagger/scrapper is beyond me as there are certainly way bigger pirates out there that you could tackle, or better yet, put your twisted efforts to better use by hunting down pedophiles on myspace, lord knows there are enough of them! Oh wait...I forgot, that might require an actual effort on your part to do some actual investigative work, instead of having weeks old doctored screenshots sent to you! My bad! I'm so silly in assuming that you'd do actual work! Funny how it took weeks for those screenshots to appear, and only certain ones too...pick and choose did you of who you wanted to harass? You people need to get a job or a life or hell, get laid, maybe then you might not be so damned uptight! You know, if you are as innocent as you proclaim to be, then I'm a saint! Stop accusing everyone of being pirates, specially when you know you are one yourself and having that blog and ousting others is your way of covering your own fat asses!