Friday, September 26, 2008

Well, I Lied

I said in my first post I wouldn't speak of that nasty assed blog that was trashing everyone, but I have thought better of it. I've been following it for a bit of entertainment, something to chuckle about, ponder over and generally sit back on my ass and watch grown women make total asses of themselves. So before I give you said blog, let me note a few things of interest that have intrigued me. Those people on that blog have absolutely no tact, no compassion, no brains actually and are complete and utter cowards. I've watched them sit back on their fat ases and post altered screenshots, and yes they are altered shots, make no bones about it. Simple to do you know, gain access to one email with the persons name you wish to harrass, simply copy their name via cut, copy and paste, cut out a section of the email you wish to use, fill it in with the same color of the page, make sure you use that little eye dropper in psp girls, so the color matches just right, then simply paste onto that the name you already cut out from other emails. Add to that any text you have copied and voila, instant proof of the evildoers wrong doings! But be mighty careful of that little grey area behind your pasted parts, because the color never truly matches the original! Anywho, back to my thoughts, I've been following all these so called vigilante blogs for quite some time, and granted some give valid info like the recent chargebacks a designer was doing to stores, now folks that was wrong to constantly do that, but it was even more wrong for that blog and those "people" to harrass that person the way they did. I've followed all their pirate accusations too, and boy these people run with the same sleazy assed crowd as those tube vigilantes. I ask you what gives them the right to say who is wrong and right? What gives them the right to be judge, jury, and executioner? Surely these same people are not so innocent as they claim! Can't be! Not in this digital age where everyhting can be gotten free if you know the right people. That blog has outed several decent people who of course did the worst thing in the world ever...they bought something and gave it away to someone else. YES! You heard right, they shared something!! Well folks, in my opinion, I see no harm in helping my fellow man when their luck is down, not at all. Looks like generosity is a crime now, especially when many of these people help support their families by their sales, and Goddess knows that the action and commercial use designers make the big money, because scrappers sure as hell don't, so why the fuss puss? I sat there tonight reading the blog posts about the most recent pirate, and really, I can't call her a pirate or any of the others that have been blasted into oblivion on there. Why you ask? Because I'm a pirate too, lol yup folks, I am, complete with a freaking parrot on my shoulder and an eyepatch. Why do people want to ruin others lives? What have they ever done to you personally for you all to be so vindictive and hurtful? Are you so upstanding that your shit don't stink? HAHAHA get your panties out of the crack of your ass and sniff baby, because newsflash, your ass stinks! In fact, you stink! Sure in the end you might get these designers booted out of stores, might ruin their design name within the digital designs community, but you are forgetting one thing, well maybe a whole shitload of things, they still sell from their blogs, their customers don't know you or your blog, hell, their customers just want to buy scrap kits, half of them don't even know where the stuff comes from to make a kit, and really don't care either! Most of these designers started out selling on their blogs, and I imagine in the end if they are booted from their stores, they will go back to their blogs, or stat over with a new name. You must get off on harrassing people and slandering their good name just because they did something your uptight asses don't approve of. Either that, or you are sitting in all those groups on your fat asses all day waiting for someone to fuck up so you can run to your pathetic joke of a blog and harrass them. Yup, that's it, just one more life you get to ruin, one more notch in your bedpost, right? Right. So, let me assume that since you don't use your real names on your blog that you are afraid people will find out who you are and just how big of a hipocrite you really are, or that you are scared to death to post your real names and who you are because someone will turn on you and post all your wrongdoings for the world to see and then the tables would be turned and you wouldn't like that now would you? Of course not! I've noticed over there that many people you have harrassed haven't even defended themselves, so you just keep digging the barbs in deeper, and when a person does respond in some way, you start in on them again. Mark my words ladies, someday it will all come crashing down on your heads and you will be in the spotlight you won't find favorable. All it takes is one slip up, one teensy error and it's all over but the crying. When it does, I'll be laughing my ass off right along with all the others out there who think you are nothing but jokes. In the meantime, you keep giving all the publicity to these so called "pirates" and I'll keep buying their stuff just to spite you because hey, they need to make a living too. It's a sad day in the world when people become so petty that they want to ruin everyone else, or is it that they have such bad lives they want to bring everyone else around them down to their level too? Who knows anymore. I will say this to these ladies: Scrappy, Queen Brat, BabyCakes...hold your head high girls, this too shall pass and what doesn't kill us makes us stronger. You made mistakes, you admitted them, you move on, don't let those bitches bring you down! So you lose a store or two, big deal, you started off on your blogs, you were good enough stores wanted you, so go back to your roots, back to your blogs, your customer base knows where you are! Besides, it'll be more money you can pocket instead of paying store rent lol.

Now then, if you read all this way down here, then you deserve to know the blog in question. The Darkside

Don't say I didn't warn you, because those people are nasy, ruthless, and truly the stinkiest pieces of shit I've ever had the displeasure to come in contact with! Guess that could go for the same people who have the balls to keep emails from sharing groups and post them to blogs like that! Pretty low and nasty as well I say!