Friday, September 26, 2008

Vigilante Ho ooo!!

Ohh and I say that so nicely!! You know, as in "Land Ho"? Sighting land, or well whatever, lol. Let's just be simple and say yep, vigilante sighted and let me tell you this new one is not that nasty yet, but I'm sure over time it will be! If it becomes wicked, mean, and nasty, then I'll post you the link of this new blog!

Meanwhile, down at the farm, the assholes have risen and have been out vying for the feed! I've been up early hoping to snag my own worm and hapeend to pop over to my new favorite vigilante blog and I swear, I think those assholes over there have nothing better to do with their lives than sit in front of their computer all day and wait for the blood to be spilled so they can lap it up like the asshairs they are. Asshairs, lol now let me tell ya there is a fun word, makes me giggle thinking it, asshairs, come on, try it on for size, I bet you'll be smiling too.

Anywho, joking aside, I've oft wondered if any of those vigilante groupies have stopped to think that they are in fact just the same as the so called pirates? YES THEY ARE! How many of them have actually purchased everything they own? I tell ya, I know I haven't, lol Yup, ole Buffy here is guilty of snagging some tunes every now and then. My poor little IPOD has a complex if it doesn't get a new tune or two every week. Anywho, I digress, I'm meandering off topic here again, lol.

I've been thinking of those blog owners, and how they "think" they are doing a good thing, well of course they are, would they do anything wrong? Goddess forbid they should! Remember their shit don't stink! I'm wondering just what makes them think they are good? They hide behind anonymity just as well as their trash talking commentators do! Come on people, you don't actually think those are their real names now do you?? If those are their real names, then I am sure as hell Buffy, The Vigilante Slayer! They sit over their and bask in the small space of glory and their fat and sassy contentment shows in every comment they respond to. Oh yes, contentment I say! What?!? Can't you sense sarcasm? OHHH there it was again, sarcasm! They hide behind false names, allow much false content to make its way onto their blog, and laugh at everyone behind their back, because as I said before, they have a personal vendetta against these people they are judging. I've noticed that many of the people they keep harrassing have not even bothered to respond to them and I bet that is why they keep posting shit, to goad out those they wish to fight with. Someone throw some raw meat into the ring and let these asshairs scrabble after it like so many mangy dogs looking for a meal, they sure need something better to do in their lives.

Lemme address something else. IP numbers, legal action, and hackers. YEA! the H word, lol All those people over there sitting there trashing all these designers, and saying they can't be touched, well hello Dolly!! WRONG! You can be touched! It doesn't take a lawyer or court order to gain information, no siree!! Know the right people, a few clicks, some good backtracing, and voila! You have a main IP and domain, no matter how many ghost programs you use. People it can be done. And we all know how google is slow to respond to anything, so even if someone did get a court order to ask for a blog to be shut down, it could take days or weeks to go through. So you know, the lady who is currently the celebrity being roasted just might have a case, you really never know!

In closing, as my coffee is nearly gone and the clock ticks ever onward toward time to leave for work, I say that people who sit on their asses all day in front of their computer refreshing pages of blogs to read the trash posted by other asshairs must lead a really boring life. Oh yes, I know you are sitting there waiting for someone to actually leave a comment, your own IP and domain keep cropping up in my sitemeter, which by the way is paid for and invisible. Get a real life people, and realize this crap you are doing online is my letters: V I R T U A L! Don't make me spell it out again for your dumb ass.

I'd like for you to tell me what makes you so much better than the next person, what makes you so much more upstanding than these designers you keep trashing, and why on Goddess' green eath is it only the tag scrappers you have a gripe with? If you ask me, which looks like you won't, you:

1. Are jealous you didn't get in the market first
2. Have no talent
3. Have a boring useless life
4. Get off on harrassing others
5. Are pirates yourselves who don't want ousted
6. Haven't had a decent orgasm in ages (which is why you're uptight asshairs)

Damn people, get an honest to Goddess life here! All those people you keep harrassing just turn the other cheek, and continue doing what they enjoy and obviously the people that like them are going to continue liking them no matter what you say. I've seen all of them but one continue with what they like, and the one who left the digital world this week, well she is bad enough as it is since she is the one who has been turning everyone in, she may as well be shame faced and leave, because she sure as hell broke the code herself.

Let this shit be a lesson to you readers, don't think that because you are helping someone less fortunate that you are doing a good deed, because asshairs like those on the vigilante blogs will make themselves look like Mother Theresa and you look like, well, the asshair they already are.

And as for copyrights, unless you "designers" patented your actions, created your artwork completely by hand with no outside shapes or items, then you don't legally own anything that you create and sell. You have used basic items to create items to sell for profit, same as anyone who bought your stuff has bought it to create their stuff for profit, none of you own anything, and really have no right to dictate how it is used or what is done with it once it has been purchased. So go ahead, add in your own TOU exactly what is "allowed" to be created or shared with your creations, they aren't totally yours to begin with! If you can provide me with a patent number, or proof you applied for a patent on your stuff, then I'll agree you have a right to tell people how they can use stuff. surely you have the money to appy for a patent! You obviously purchased photoshop and psp and all the stuff you create with! So who is to say what is illegal? Hmm something to think about.

I'll continue sharing what I can when I can, and bask in the knowledge that no one knows who I am. Again, hold your heads high ladies and pick up your hems, because the shit keeps floating right on along, damn stuff never gets caught in the asshairs when you need it to.