Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Hell hath no fury.....

Like a woman scorned, pirates scorned, hell, anyone scorned these days. What is the world coming to when everywhere you look there are people accused of stealing, being pirates, and ousting each other in some twisted up, fucked up game of one upmanship? I've been reading the blogs, and no, I won't post their links, I'm sure you know by now which ones they are. They're the stupid assed ones that keep posting drivel about pirates and scrapper/taggers being pirates and posting doctored screenshots where the names have been changed to either "protect" the innocent or to portray someone else as guilty. I've pulled every screen shot they have posted and looked at them closely, and most of them have been altered. Some of them, no, but most have. I just wonder what gives these bored women the right to sit on their fat asses all day and pore over peoples sites and blogs and stores and decide who is guilty and who isn't? Do they not have family that needs their attention? Why do they sit over there and let this shit continue? I know why, they want their 15 minutes of fame to turn into a lifetime of glory. I'm sure they are just as guilty as those they have ousted. Those that they profess to "know" are guilty that is. I've seen them sit there and let people call others names I wouldn't even call the worst stray dog I've ever seen. I've seen screenshots and comments from people who profess to know everything going on in the digital scrapping world. How many of them are truly innocent? How many of them are sitting there reading that blog and shaking in their boots that they won't be found out next, but yet gloating over those that have been ousted? And you know they are not all innocent. It's a really sad day when people think it is the right thing to do and open a group to share things amongst themselves, but yet keep copies of everything to cause others as much pain as they are going through. Why be so childish? Aren't we supposed to be adults and leave the elementary school shit behind? From what I have seen of the most recent screenshots that makes me question it, is the person who supposedly sent the blog those shots has incredimail that has her inbox name right at the top of it, and it doesn't match her email that she uses in groups and was outed under...so it brings me to a question..if she has one name she uses in scrapping and in public...did she open that particular share group under the name her incredimail screenshots came from??? Because if she did, then she is a two faced liar from hell. Makes it seem she opened a share group for the specific purpose of snagging and then keeping records of everyone elses wrongdoings! And reading through their comments, why is it that the first thing you see are certain designers names automatically? What have any of them ever done to those blog owners to have to endure that kind of harrassment? Ever heard of live and let live? Haven't any of them learned that no matter what you do to people, that karma will come back around and bite you in the ass twice as hard as what you have done already. This is the digital age people, and why you have chosen to attack the tagger/scrapper is beyond me as there are certainly way bigger pirates out there that you could tackle, or better yet, put your twisted efforts to better use by hunting down pedophiles on myspace, lord knows there are enough of them! Oh wait...I forgot, that might require an actual effort on your part to do some actual investigative work, instead of having weeks old doctored screenshots sent to you! My bad! I'm so silly in assuming that you'd do actual work! Funny how it took weeks for those screenshots to appear, and only certain ones too...pick and choose did you of who you wanted to harass? You people need to get a job or a life or hell, get laid, maybe then you might not be so damned uptight! You know, if you are as innocent as you proclaim to be, then I'm a saint! Stop accusing everyone of being pirates, specially when you know you are one yourself and having that blog and ousting others is your way of covering your own fat asses!


·Chimera· said...

wow! Two very enthusiastic thumbs up! Very well said and your right about us banning together and using the strength and voice of many to bring about change, or at the very least shut them up. I hope you don't mind, but I've added you on my blog. Awsome way to use your voice.

Buffy The Vigilante Slayer said...

I see it if they want to oust every decent person that has ever bought something and given it to someone else and cause those people undue harm and stress, ten hel, why can't we bitch about the asshairs themselve? I love how they say they "own" the copyright to everything they create. If that is the case, wouldn't that make every scrapper own the copyright to the work they create with what they bought? Kinda sounds that way to me! And what's with them thinking they own drop shadows? LMFAO..anyone can create a set of shadows and sell them then!