Sunday, September 28, 2008

I am in awe!

I am so totally, absopositively in awe of this woman and her blog here: Time To Bite Back

I applaud her and bow deeply to her actions and guts because it takes brass balls to put all that out there to the public that most definately puts questions to the darkside of just how much shit they posted that was truthfully real. Sadly, I'm sure their nastiness served its purpose by ruining many up and coming designers and tag scrappers by getting their reputations ruined, booted from stores, and generally making their lives hell. Hopefully many of those store owners and others will now question their own rash actions in adding more grief to already scarred individuals.

I doubt that many of those designers on the list will respond because many of them are just trying to get their head above water again and continue on what they love and avoid the negative vibes, and I just wonder how many of them who did minor infractions such as helping others a little, or by simply sharing a few items, were actually accused with false proof of doing more than they actually did.

I know a few small designers on your list dear lady, who only did what they did out of the goodness of their own heart and to help others succeed, but for you vigilante blogs to go completely psycho on these people is really putting too much effort into nothing. I have to agree with bite back, there seems to be a personal vendetta from this MzCora whomever she is, but why she had all this time to be in so many groups and spy on people is beyond me, hell why did she stoop to such immature and spiteful levels as to keep proof of everyone elses wrongdoing? Is she that hard up for publicity that she would be a snitch? After my reading all she has been accused of? How can anyone truthfully say that some of the people the darkside have posted about are ringleaders or top of the food chain or the biggest pirates?

The way I see it, the ones you've posted about have done minor infractions, way minor compared to Pimptress, who apparently has a nasty streak a mile wide as well.

But, alas, we sit here and watch as the woefully ignorant asshairs, (yes! I used my favorite word today) sit in their own squalor and harrass everyone else for their own 15 minutes of fame, which seem to be the hilight of their lives. In the end, all you do is make yourself look big and self important to a select few of hate mongers like yourselves who obviously follow your every move like a love sick puppy. But you know what they say, if you lie down with dogs, you get the mange!


Anonymous said...

it is time to start fighting back, so many of us knew that dark ide is owner by cora
no news at all
and how nice of that other blog to brake it down as she did,
and how true is this
most of those people cora attacked were taggers before, made alife and name for them selfs and cora did not like it.
so it seems jealousy runs deep within her
and think about it who was it the most important to, to close the dst law and order private forum
CORA , as she got slammed badly over there because people recognize her and do not want her pirating from them. then she had the nerve to want t sale with certain people? she is really ill, if she knows whats good for her she will vanish from the net.

i also would like to give that other blog some more info on the isue but i am afraid i do not know where to contact her...

Anonymous said...

Exactly! This crap has got to stop. Stores are asking the accused questions, and from what I've found out, many are choosing to keep the designers simply because of the content on the darkside is now questionable. No one knows what is true and what isn't anymore. Apparently many people don't like the duplicity that is implied nor do they approve of the immaturity, the language, and just overall how the accusations are presented and allowed to proceed. Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

Contact her here:

Owner of Time To Bite Back.

Danielle S said...

One major headache at a time. Agreed though. Though I find, personally, that when the attempt is made...there is only drama to be set free. Yes, drama is to be expected - but come on!!!! I've read 5 posts on different blogs just in the past 20 minutes or so and honestly, it reads like nothing BUT drama. IMHO.

Buffy The Vigilante Slayer said...

Like I said, soap opera. jealousy, cheating, lying. what' next, sleeping with someones husband?