Tuesday, September 30, 2008


I'm sitting here laughing my arse off right now. Why? The Wall of Shame is my hero, lol Finally someone who gives as good as the, what did she call it, oh yea, Bark Side, ARF ARF Sit up, beg, roll over, play dead! Yea right, like that is going to happen anytime soon. Love the way they have their new "warranty' listed, wtf does that mean? Aren't warranties for toasters? LMFAO. And they take no resposibility for the content! HAHAHA, why not? They are the ones accepting it and posting it, so I've always been told, you name it, you claim it, so they should claim their shit too! Kinda wonder what product they have and wtf do they pay their "employees", toilet paper to clean up their shit? Although I have heard noises made over there about closing the blog and moving to a new one where only store owners and designers have access? Kinda makes me think someone is getting a little pissed off that people are fighting back instead of fighting with them and agreeing with them. Don't you just love the way the topics get carried away and they close the comments off? Wonder if people get close to the truth and they shut em down to keep that from happening. Wonder how many have actually stumbled on the truth and don't know it? Who knows. All I do know is I get a damned good laugh out of them. They run around, throwing shit like a damned monkey on a rampage, accusing every commentor of being the same person. Must be nice to be so cock sure that everyone is the same person. Let em move their blog, if they do, it will give a strong indication to those who follow them but are starting to doubt their credibility that something just might not be right about everything they post. let em go take their trashy commentors with them. Sure I talk trash, but some of the words those asshairs use are not worth repeating! Oh yea! I used my favorite word! OI! Well all, this old bat is off for a spot of tea and then some rest. Until the morrow good people, keep the asshairs at bay and Goddess be with you.


Anonymous said...

Lmao they are total fools over there at the "darkside" i swear down. I made two posts over there the yesterday and because i expressed my OWN opinion i suddenly became CINDY lol.

Quote Sasha herself........ 10:56 IS "Cindy". No matter how much she protests.........Then she comes back again and acts like she's never left here. Its painfully obvious that she thinks we dont much about proxies, spoofers and trackers. We'll just let her think that shall we?

Seems they know nothing about nothing doesn't it when clearly my IP addy is different from Cindy's.

Maybe i got a little to close to the truth over there & they had to close comments! The mind boggles lol.

Anonymous said...

Ignorant and proud of it; that's you in a nut shell! You are just slurping up all the drama and creating more where there is none.
Now it's the disclaimer? What's next, the background and font?

Buffy The Vigilante Slayer said...

LMAO Lori if it's drama, then why are you here slurping it up too?? I'm not creating drama, I'm simply voicing my opinions as I se it. Do you see me posting emails, IPs, screenshots and so called proof? NADA BABES. All you see is opinions and observances, which apparently you are a drama mama if you think I'm causing any. The world has a right to their opinions eh?

Anonymous said...

Wow...you just totally made Lori's point:) And it sounds to me like she's talking about you making drama over what you call the "warranty", Dimwit. Maybe you should turn off your comments if you have trouble comprehending them. There are opinions and observations, and then there's just plain smack. Frankly, you appear to lack the brain for any valuable or clever observations.
Like you said, you are just a trash talker, and you are not very good at it:) Oh, and can I get that in a pink font, Baby Girl?

Anonymous said...

Sounds to me you might have your asshairs in a wad there 11:33, need a lice comb? This blog is the owners opinions, and if they comment on what they see, that is their perogative. You look prety clever there yourself, and why pink? Why not slap your ass in puke yellow. lol

Anonymous said...

6:52 PM

Good lord.

If you're going to pretend to be anyone other than the owner of this blog at least attempt to change your style.

You have an annoying habit of OVER-USING the stupid word "asshairs" and you tend to type "lol" after your full stops.

Pretending to be someone else defending you just makes you look even more pathetic.

Buffy The Vigilante Slayer said...

LMFAO are you one of those people 9:45 that likes to see the same person in every comment? Have you migrated over from the bark side because they have been quiet? Need some popcorn to munch while you sit there waiting for entertainment? In case you haven't noticed, people can use any words they want to, and if they like the word asshairs, they are free to borrow it. Now get off your lazy duff and go do something useful in society instead of sitting on your ass picking apart peoples comments. You must lead a very boring life

Anonymous said...

Yes, my life is so boring; I create blogs talking crap, constantly use stupid phrases that make me sound like a demented poodle on crack, and post comments anonymously pretending to be someone else defending me.

Oh shit, that's not me, that's you.

Face it girlfriend, the joke's clearly on you. You're so transparent I can see my reflection.

Anonymous said...

4:20 AM lmao the fact you came back speaks for itself

Anonymous said...

4:44 PM

Now now Sarah, if only boring people with no life come to this blog, are you intelligent enough to realize the irony of your post?

Or do I have to dumb it down for you?

Anonymous said...

3:54 AM You seem to forget i wasn't the one that came back here on a mission to prove my life wasn't boring. I wasn't the one that assumes everyone is the same person.I never once stated only boring people came to this blog, so i guess my dearest you still continue to spout shizzer and my comment still stands. Now do everyone a favour and trot of back to the old Bark Side & twist peoples comments over there, because my sweet you are making your self look even sillier than you already are.