Friday, September 26, 2008


Guess what idgits? I'm not Cindy, don't know who she is, don't care. Good luck chasing your tails! Oh and comments are not off, you must have issues finding the button.


Cindy said...

Me, me, me!!! I'm Cindy!! And, yes, they are a bunch of idiots, aren't they? Some people should just be banned from being allowed access to a computer!!!

Hey, girl, do you have a private email address I can email you at? You can get in touch with me at:

Just so you can verify I'm not one of these idiots trying to pretend to be me, check my blog and compare the email addresses. It really is me!!!

Buffy The Vigilante Slayer said...

Hola Cindy! Unite, be proud!! Good to have ya babes! Yup, I'll mail ya!

Anonymous said...

Shut the fuck up you stupid retarted bitches. If you do not want your ass harrassed then it is simple enough that a child could even figure out that you just stop stealing shit. Can you not create your own? I know that you are obviously disabled and can only think with one side of your brain but it does not take much to create a kit of your own. Also if you actually put that one side of your brain to work you would go out and get a job so you could afford the shit to make your own kits! Or better yet support us that do know how to make them and buy ours instead of stealing them. You think it is so unfair that you are being harrassed but really if you put all those tiny brains of yours together you would realize that you would not be harrassed if you quit thinking it was ok to steal.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad I'm not the only person that thinks these two sound retarded.

SBQDawn said...


Anonymous said...

No more reatrded than those of you who eat, sleep, and breathe this shit, you lap it up like the dogs you are. Always a circus, but never any good clowns.

Buffy The Vigilante Slayer said...

LMAO I adore you! *bows deeply* May the asshairs of those assholes braid together and make them constipated! makes for good reading doesn't the drivel these idgits post in comments. bitter old hags with twisted asshairs, lol

SBQDawn said...

why is it by the way that alll these HOLYer than thou never say anything with their name attached Hey Annom. my real name and email is right here...hmmmmm must be because I have Big Brass ones and you ...well obviously don't you just be another stupid C.U.N.T. which of course stands for Couldn't Understand Normal Thinking !!!! so go ahead harrass me hunny child! I is a very big girl and can take care of myself. you're just a bullie and hide...I would LOVE a day in court with you sweetie so go ahead ...come an get me you foul loathsome piece of swine fat. If you can't post to these ladies with some piece of intelligence or at least some entertaining scarcasim stay to your hate site corner...Oh and I do create my own damn scraps FOR TAGGERS because I really think the full size ones are more of a pain in the arse then they need to be. do you know where your tools are? do you know how to use filters? do you even know how to do anything besides bitch? no sorry sweating like a pig doesn't count as a talent nor does haveing a mattress strapped to your backside. Sorry no cookie for you today... Rock on Buffy and Cindy !!!! I want to Hug the stuffing out of you !!!

Buffy The Vigilante Slayer said...

LMFAO OMGOSH I'm peeing my pants here laughing! Finally a sister to my heart who gets my sarcasm and intent! In the end the very people those nasty asshairs are harrassing will still come out on top, the butter always rises from the curdled milk. They can ruin names, spread rumors, alter screenshots, whatever, but in the end, it all comes out the same, life goes on and scrappers can simply change their name. lol ***HUGS***

Anonymous said...

Hey Dawn is that your name, or shall I say Dog. Bitch you were hit with the ugly stick way to many times. Also that looks like one of those glamour shots that you get back in the day LMAO. Fucking too funny. Those are made to make you look good but by the looks of it in your case there was no help. I bet your parents always kept a blanket over your head when taking you out for your walks in that double sided stroller that you took up. LMAO Swine fat? Bitch please by the looks of you you have had more then your share of bacon. Also I must say I love the dress that you are wearing in that oh so pretty portrait of yourself. It has a real salvation army feel to it. You talk about balls of brass bitch you sure do have balls to post your ugly ass on the net for everyone to see. My god I thought I have seen ugly but bitch you take the cake on that one. I mean damn I have seen people like you but usually I have to pay a admission. Also to reply to dumb bitches like you does not require or deserve intellegence. All it requires to talk to you is a dozen doughnuts and you will be all ears. Now shut the fuck up and go make some more tagger sized action filled kits C.U.N.T. Then get off your fat ass get a job and take that money that you earn from the job and learn how to make a real kit. I know those fat fingers of yours must really be tired from pushing that action button all day. Oh and one more thing sweetie about the mattress strapped to my back I know you would like one too but they do not make them that large and damn I knew I should have gotten that cookie before you arrived because once you got here we should have known they would be gone. Honey child LMAO who are you trying to be with that comment Aunt Jemimah? Well you got the body down so thats a start.

SBQDawn said...

ROFLMAO annom. you truely are pathetic. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
and still no guts to post a name hmmm wonder why that is? LOLOLOLOLOL
Actually My parents told me I should die when I was 6 yrs old what? Salvation Army ?! Hey I should be so lucky. Better that then the Silver spoon crammed so far down your throat the end is hanging out your ass ...makes it hard to sit in the seat of self Righteousness doesn't it ? ! I'm sorry your life was so terrible. Truely I am. So when do you graduate from elementary school sweet heart? Have you got your home work done? It's only 6 50 pm central if you are I'm so very proud of you. And you can certainly stay up late talking in chat rooms with pediophiles because I'm sure several are waiting for you. Have fun hunny and don't forget don't put anything in your mouth that wasn't wrapped! Niters
OH and "Bless the Bell Ringers Everyone" (for those not capable of understanding the remark I Think if it weren't For Salvation Army_aka Sally Ann's to those who shop there and are appreciative of kindness of strangers I don't think Christmas would be the same with out them Support your local Salvation Army!) PEACE

VooDoo said...

All I can say is WOW! "Not so" Anonymous, your behavior is not earning any brownie points. It's no wonder no one respects your TOU with your childish behavior. You have clarified your intelligence here today! Thanks for that!

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't buy a scrap now if my fucking life depended on it. All these people have done is give themselves a nasty reputation as whiners and bitches online, ALL OVER THE NET! I can't believe how much we hear about their nastiness these days..and I'm hearing the same thing over and over again...I used to buy scraps, NOT ANYMORE! Well count me in ladies, because I wouldn't spend a fucking CENT on someone like that! If U can't act proffesionally, don't expect the people on the internet to treat you as such. So I guess it's the pirates way for me lmfao....Off I go to STEAL some cranky old hags scrap kit..

Buffy The Vigilante Slayer said...

LMFAO don't forget that there are some of the little designers who have attempted to stay out of the limelight, but the bark side likes to make public everything, so some of those designers are pretty good, if the asshairs would leave them alone.