Tuesday, September 30, 2008

To Address Lori

Who kindly left her name on her comment:

Ignorant and proud of it; that's you in a nut shell! You are just slurping up all the drama and creating more where there is none. Now it's the disclaimer? What's next, the background and font?

Ohh looky there! There is the font, lovingly put in blue! Just to hilite your observations, or wait, that wasn't an observation that was an idiotic comment!

Who is slurping up drama puss? Looks like you want your name in lights! The disclaimer isn't mine toots, it's a copy from over at the bark side, need glasses? All I'm doing is simply posting my opinions like everyone else does, and you call that drama? Well drama mama go back and read the post you are referring to, and keep the drama to yourself. It's asshairs like you who don't read carefully and go jumping to comments to make yourself look like an asshair too.


Anonymous said...

One has to agree with Lori on that one, you are a drama queen.
And could you be more confused?
We all get it's not your disclaimer, you're just joining the band wagon, picking on headers and god-knows-what next, because you've run out of material. At some point your blog was actually amusing, in a primitive kind of way. But it seems you've run out of steam and now you're just faking your orgasms. It's that dissatisfaction with your life that makes you so desperate.

Anonymous said...

LMFAO what makes you come here then? Desperate too? I don't see where opinions of a blogger are anyones "material". Go join the other drama queens out there and leave people to their opinions. Go follow the lies of those who actually post stuff you can orgasm over yourself.