Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Guffaws out loud!

now come on, LOL would have been just so ...normal! Ohh what a tangled web the digital world weaves! Looks like the blog devious Designers just couldn't take the heat now could they? They stepped in like some big shit and thought they had enough balls to start tearing down innocent people and looks like it FAILED! FAILED in BIG neon letters! Why do people feel the need to do this for anyway? They certainly recieved their 15 minutes of fame and couldn't even handle that! LMAO All I can say is.....NEXT????

Monday, October 27, 2008

Criminy! TOLD YOU SO!

I said it before and I'll say it again, shit never stops floating, lol One nasty blog goes away, yet another takes its place, and sure I'm gonna hear all sorts of snide comments about "this" nasty blog too, I'm sure, as people like to really give this one hell, lol

Here is the brand spanking new blog!!! DEVIOUS DESIGNERS

My blog aside, there is a brand new blog cropped up trying to be a carbon copy of the ole barkside, and judging by their opening post, they are doing a damned good job of it too! Posting screenshots and information on a so called pirate again without actually checking their facts out. You can bet the barkside are still following all that is being said on these blogs, even in their new hidden home somewhere. They'll be getting either a good laugh at this new blog, or be pissed off about someone trying to pick up where they left off. Just watch your followers people, because I've noticed on several blogs that there some followers who have their profiles disabled, so you have no clue who is following you, it might be these vigilantes!

What is it with these people anyway? Are they disgruntled designers? LMAO makes me think of that ole joke something about a pig who loses his voice, makes him disgruntled, lol oh well, there I go, off on a wild tangent, as usual, lol

Anywho, as I was saying, are these people actually so miserable in their lives that they have to make everyone else miserable? Or is it simply the lure of yet again someone else wanting their 15 minutes of internet fame? This new blog has one topic, outing two designers from the same store, both for TOU violations, but yet they say "PIRATES". Last time I checked a TOU violation isn't exactly a pirate, it's simply a violation. Although I do think that many action designers don't have their TOU as clearly stated as they could be and I don't always approve of them telling you exactly how you are "allowed" to use a product of theirs. I may not design, but I can read the TOU posted in many digital stores for the public to view, lol

One designer shares proof she has permission from the action designer to use the product as she created it, but does anyone see an apology from that new blog? NO! And why not? Expend a little too much energy there asshair blogger? Can't spell the words, "I'm Sorry" and print a retraction? I tell you one thing, this new blog lacks the flair the barkside had for the dramatic!

The second accused designer has yet to post proof she has permission, so we'll see how much longer they rake this one over the coals.

Anyone ever notice how these so called "proof" blogs have access to all these designers TOU and can copy and paste the whole thing is needed, but yet they simply can't be bothered to verify if their "proof" is legitimate? Why is this?

Oh well, I guess we'll just have to sit back and watch and wait to see if this newest vigilante blog takes off and gets the same response as the barkside did. Interesting to see how quick these things crop up and how gleefully these people post their "proof" of yet another evil scrapper! Oh yea, let me clarify, evil scrap tagger! I'm sorry, I got that wrong! I keep forgetting that these vigilante blogs only harrass the scrapper/tagger community! DOH! Must be the lack of sleep and too many crackers that have my brain mush! I keep forgetting that little detail!

CRIPES pregnancy at my age is so not good, lol makes my brain fuzzy and stomach turn! Off to rest a little lads and lassies, then try a spot of tea later. Keep your chin up and your hip waders handy! lol

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Ahh sweet relief...for how long?

Well well well, I'd like to say thanks for the entertainment and support, some has been funny, some astounding in their utter stupidity, lol and some thought provoking. I am by all means not stopping this blog, because you, the people, need a place to vent and discuss what goes on in the digital world. Everyone knows by now the barkside has left the building, least the building we were all in, but I am sure they have by no means stopped their level of childish temper tantrums and their bullying tactics. Those kind of people do not quietly pack up and fade away.

I've read a couple of new comments that give me hope that those out there who have been accused, or simply caught in the wrong place at the right time will be able to rebuild themselves a new life in the digital world and will go on doing what they love as it seems over the past weeks much doubt was planted in the minds of people everywhere online who follow these blogs. Hopefully that doubt will make others think that not everything they have been provided with is proof of actual wrong doing.

I will continue to support the little people out there, and of course I doubt that all of us online are squeeky clean, we've all taken something somewhere at one time or another, but that doesn't mean everyone should be crucified, wait, not everyone has been crucified, only a select few, which smacks of personal grudges and vendettas, but what the hell does one do about that?

Let this be a lesson to you folks, believe none of what you hear and only half of what you see. Keep your eyes and ears open too, because in time, the crap will fly again. People like those over on that other blog that closed shop never know when to quit, and as much as they'd like you to believe they went private to keep inquiring minds like ours away, they went private so people like us can't doubt what they post. Frankly, I think they didn't like it when they kept losing control of their beloved topics and their proof was constantly blasted and questioned.

Either way, enjoy the peace while you have it lads and lassies, it won't last long! it never does!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Their blog is gone, but you can bet it isn't over. Keep an eye open folks, they'll be back! Shit never truly goes away! LOL

Everyone knows that they won't be able to keep their new spot quiet for long! All we know is that the lies will continue to spread where we can't see them and of course, we all know they like to control what we see and what we say! So be warned folks, the fat lady hasn't sung! lol

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Oh how the stone rolls

or gets tossed or thrown, lol I usually pop online every couple of days to see what's up in the digi world, and read a little email, and of course check out all the smack blogs, since that is the "it" thing to do now, and of course, this one has been called a smack blog, but hey, if my personal opinions are smack, then so be it, lmao.

I just love how a commentor has said:

blah blah blah

Seems they are pretty damn important, since they seem to talked about NON STOP over here.

Then right under it we have:

4:20 They must think this blog is pretty damn important as well as they do the same thing over there. Talk about this blog and any other blog that might get the attention they think they deserve.

People this isn't a war, nor a competition of who outposts who, because come on, give the barkside the credit they deserve, they out trash EVERYONE lmao
But I have got to agree, they must think what I say is important enough because they made me spotlight right on their blog! And I don't know about you Ralphie, but I don't believe for one minute they were sent this blog or the posts by someone, lol You know they read it, secretly hiding behind the cover of darkness. It's a side effect of wanting to see your name up in lights somewhere else, lol If what I say has no importance, why the hell bother to post about me? Don't like what I say then stop putting me in your spotlight over at the dog pound lol!

Nethinks over all these people are just a bunch of jealous and board housewives who just don't like that other people have beaten them to what they wanted to do in the first place, or else they are afraid of getting caught themselves so they get all puffed up turkey on everyone, lol Stop rehashing all the old news and the same people over and over, makes you all look petty and jealous and well, frankly makes you look like vindictive arses at the select few, because Goddess knows, people surely have sent you more real proof of wrong doers than the select few you trash!

LMAO Have a good weekend folks!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Oh so droll

and such drivel, lmao. Who's punching the air? I don't care if you or anyone else believes that I'm not Leah or Cindy, because guess what? That is one truth on here that is definate, I'm not either, and don't know either of them, and guess what else? Like you profess, you'll never know who I am either. So keep guessing. You're not the only ones who watch groups and designers and taggers and scrappers, but unlike you, I keep my nose out of what they do, I just voice my opinions on it and you, and of course I couldn't resist commenting! Perfect way for me to end my time online before dinner knowing that either:

A: You have dedicated lap dogs salivating at your every move who simply have nothing better to do than sit at your feet with other blogs for you to harrass, and odd that you choose mine to post about. You must enjoy dog breath.

B: You pop over here from time to time to see what is being said about you because you get a rush from seeing your name in lights elsewhere.

Either way, it gives me great pleasure to sit here and feel famous, because obviously I must twist YOUR asshairs for you to feel obliged to post about my blog lol. Wonder if the beeping is a backup alarm for their fat arses? Or is a warning that the shit is again rising and we need to move out of the way?


The fact still remains, they are now covering their own arses laddies, and as I said before, they moved their shit to a private location so as to make sure the inquiring minds of the public don't see what is going on, all they'll see is what the barkside wants you to see, and it sure doesn't have to be true to be posted now does it? You'll see what they want you to see when they want you to see it, and goddess knows they've had plenty to go through.

One of these days they'll grow up themselves and stop acting like the pissy arsed little wankers they are get a real job or a real life. But then again, that wouldn't leave them much time to post only what they want you to see now does it?

Must not be any other blogs out there worth them commenting about, lol Oh well, time for a spot of tea and then a nap, between morning sickness lasting all day and heartburn when I sleep, I might rest, lmao

It's true what they say

the shit always rises to the top of the barrel and of course, that means the barkside has arisen as well and has anyone had the chance to read their newest drivel? Looks like yet again they have tried to start shit, and isn't it lovely how they say blogs like this one and others have pushed them into starting a new blog where no one will find them? I don't know about you, but that seems to me awfully like they want to again be in control of what shit they post about people and this time no one who has been accused will have the chance to prove their innocence or not. I say to all of you out there who have doubted some of the stuff that was posted to think about this, why would anyone make a private blog to trash others and ruin their names with so called proof when only certain people will get to see it? Doesn't that seem like they are going to contol what is seen and who sees it, and what content the so called proof contains? If anyhting they have done in the past has been utterly stupid, this is the cherry on top of the cake because they just screwed every designer and person out there. They now have control of what is seen and not seen, and who sees it, and it doesn't have to have one whit of truth in it now for it to ruin others. Designers beware, you could have your names up in lights just because someone hates you for what you do and you don't even have to be a so called pirate! Watch your backs lads and lassies, because looks like the shit is again rising, you'll need your hip waders for this one! They've gone into hiding and plan to post only what THEY want you to see when THEY want you to see it!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Vigilantes Gone?

One can only wonder and hope this is true. It seems in the past 3 weeks that the so called digital justice team has gone suddenly quiet. Now this makes one wonder, is this in preperation for more sudden outings of so called pirates? is this so new "proof" can be provided? Or is simply they have tired of being the center of attention? I think not. I think it is simply a matter of they have abandoned their vigilante blog in favor of a new one, where as they put it, "only designers and store owners will know what is going on". Kind of funny if you ask me though, and of course you won't since my opinions only garner your snide comments. It's been my opinion that these types of fly by night blogs come and go all the time, they start up, raise a ruckus, then vanish into thin air, leaving behind the remants of a bad order and hurt feelings of those they affected. it does however make for interesting reading how everyone is suddenly an expert on designs, designers, stores, laws, and what have you, plus the occasional pot calling the kettle black references and family put downs. mark my words though, you can bet things aren't as silent as they seem, they'll be back! People like that always turn up in one form or another. Enjoy your weekend everyone, this lil gal is going to nap and the silence of her friends who are finally being left alone to do what they enjoy.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

My goodness!

I go away for a couple of days holiday and come back to find all manner of drivel posted in comments, and I swear, it seems like the teeny tiny voice of an idiot keeps trying to ring through loud and clear, and why this is, I have no idea. Let me let you all in on something here, I don't see where what I post is exactly in support of piracy. I simply post things the way I see it, and if people want to take it to heart that I support pirates, so be it. I've said it before, I'm not a designer, I don't scrap, I don't tag, but I'm around many people who do, and let me tell you this much, I have seen dozens of people sending through groups everything from scraps, tubes, music, movies, software, and anything in between that people can get their hands on. But, what do I see here? Only a select few people being trashed on blogs. Why? Personal grudge? Nothing better to do than ruin someone else? Bored? What reason? I've admitted to being guilty of snagging some music here and there, and secretly, I'm sure that 98 percent of the people out there do too, and more. And it is funny that it is only the scrappers that make small kits for the taggers that are getting destroyed. Odd if you ask me. Anywho, getting off track here, as usual. As I was saying, I go away and come home to nasty comments, supporting comments, and everything in between. And I ask you why you nasty little buggers want to constantly be so, well, nasty? You go off accusing me of stealing scraps, are being quite nasty about my unborn, and generally being a pain in the ass. Is there nothing fulfilling in your own life that you keep coming back to spout more useless drivel? I'm never going to post anything here except my thoughts and opinions, so if you are waiting for this turn into a smack blog, with proof of pirates and worse, then you will wait until hell freezes over. I personally think there are three sides to every story, your side, their side, then the truth. What I really want to know is why, out of all the people online who do a lot worse than buy stuff and share it, are you only choosing scrappers to pick on? Makes you people seem like bullies who only set out to destroy those they feel are beneath them, which is sad. Why not go after the music shares? Tube shares, oh wait, I'm sorry that happeend and sharing is still going on, so that got you nowhere. Movie shares, software shares? You don't fool with them because you are simply afraid of them, afraid they'll mop the floor with you and toss you in the dung heap. If you have nothing better to do than sit here and refresh the page and wait for new comments, then you lead a sad life, and it is obvious that you have something seriously wrong since your nasty replies to everyone who comments keep cropping up. This is my personal blog and I'll post whatever I like here, and if it is about me and I want to share it, I will, and if it is my thoughts and opinions about what hapens in the digital world, then I'll post that too. But this isn't a smack blog, it isn't a pirate blog, it isn't a support blog. Maybe you should learn the difference between opinions and trash. Either way, thank you for the kind words some of you have left, and for the nasty people who keep posting, wash your mouth out with soap, you need it. I can't believe you think asshairs is more nasty than the language you've used in comments.

Monday, October 6, 2008


Thank you sweets, for being a doll. May you have smiles and laughter aplenty in your life today.

Dear asshairs and wankers

or should I say one asshair and wanker as your comments left are brutally obvious the same idiotic drivel repeated over and over. I don't steal scrap kits, I don't design, I don't fool with tags, stationary, or anything like that in the graphics community. I don't create layouts with photos or anything else, all my children's photos all go into a simple photo album, the old fashioned way. So suck my asshairs wanker, and that comes from a cranky old pregnant lady. It seems that you have nothing better to do than to come here and try and start shit and make this into a carbon copy of the bark side, since they closed off comments and have nothing new to report, you must have found that you have a whole lot of time on your idle hands so you figure you need to stir shit somewhere, so what better place than here? I'll have you know this blog was not created to stir up shit in the digi community. It was created to voice my opinion and the opinions of others who get shot down on other blogs and forums for speaking their side of the story. And frankly asshair, if I wanted to post a bit about my personal life here, then I will as it is my blog the last time I checked. Oh, and I don't have a fantasy with asshairs, you certainly don't infiltrate my dreams at night, so the stupid bitch comment you made to me, needs to go back and be owned by the stupid bitch or bastard who made it, because frankly, I've seen women make many nasty comments, but yours reeks of a man with no bollocks, or the very least a very "manly" woman. Next time you decide to leave multiple comments, why not try spacing out your posting times better as well as masking your IP, because you truly suck at being an asshair. Oh and not that you are owed any explanation, but asshairs is just my favorite term for someone who is simply manky, and if that fits you, then you wear it well. So take your own pathetic ass back over to the bark side and sit there like the faithful lap dog you are and maybe they'll come out of hiding and throw you a bone or a few table scraps so you'll have something constructive to do with that potty mouth you have, then you won't be yanking your own chain trying to find other amusement than licking your own ass.

I so lied!

All is NOT calm in the digi world, or least on this blog thanks to a little sarcastic weasel. Let me address you for a second you little anonymous asshair. Anonymous commentor below:

wow does this mean that you will be out stealing baby clothes for your child? Beings you think it is ok to steal from people online? No different in my eyes or in the eyes of any designer Im sure.

Your comment above was totally uncalled for and unwanted, but since you felt the need to be petty and stupid in your observations, could you please take classes in proper speech and get the idea here, I am NOT a designer, so sod off you wanker and get a life of your own.

It seems the morons have nothing to pick on at the moment so they have again resorted to completely pointless comments.

Someone make me a button: Asshairs and Wankers Unite in Idiocy

Calm before the storm?

Well all has been extremely quiet on the digi front the past week or so. Kind of makes you wonder why doesn't it? Perhaps people have decided to setle down and enjoy life for what it is, peaceful. Hopefully those that like to stir the pot have decided to live and let live.

On my front, I have no idea what it is when you get a pregnancy confirmed that suddenly morning sickness takes nasty hold, lol I've lain on the couch all weekend, sleeping on and off and I must have eaten a whole box of biscuits, lol It's been cool and dreary here, so lying on the couch was truly no fuss at all, lol Unless you ask my dear hubby who thinks I'm supposed to be full of energy and ready to run lanes with the sheep lol

I think I'll go find some tea and a good book! Have a good day ladies and gents.

Friday, October 3, 2008

It's official!

I'm insane, lol but seriously folks, the blood test backed up what the pee stick said, lol baby time! Don't you just hate it when you go to the obgyn and they have cold hands? All I can say is thank the Goddess I'm not a man lol. If everything goes well, I'm told we should have a wee one sometime in May! I must say I am not looking forward to mornings spent in bed with cold tea and biscuits, lol Maybe this time will be better, it's going to be the last for sure! I'll keep you up to date on things and when we find out what it is, I'll tell you!

I do want to say something since it has been rather quiet in the digi world lately, has anyone ever noticed on the bark side that they close the comments now when things get a little heated? And how they say they are "working" on something else? Does that make anyone feel like those people need the time to make sure everything they have matches? lol Odd that is.

And to address the anonymous commentor
here. Those two ladies that left long winded asinine comments putting Gina down and being really nasty, might want to go and read the comments again as it looks like someone else has come out of the woodwork and has evidence of what Gina has said. Seems kind of funny that someone else saw the same thing, and for those of you who say it is Gina posting as anon, different IP folks, I checked.

I have to agree with you there anon, why bother coming here to reply like an idiot to someones comment and tell them to get a life when they obviously have not gotten one of their own, lol I swear, this ole web is like a three ring circus sometimes, just when you think no more clowns can come out of that tiny car, out pop a few more, lol Astonishing isn't it?

Thursday, October 2, 2008

The digital community

is quiet tonight, which brings some solace to my soul. Either they are gearing up to start trouble again, or nothing major is going on. Sounds good to me because I am feeling so sick. Which isn't a bad thing, since I go to the doctor tomorrow, I am hoping she is going to confirm what I already know. After a long awaited time, it looks like we're gonna have a baby. Well our third and last one, lol Just do me a favor people, if you feel the need to comment on this post, don't be an asshair, be nice for once. I'm going to bed, lol Nite all, or should I say morning, it's a little after 4 a.m. lol

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Dear Gina

Oi sweetheart, it looks like you have been thrust into the middle of the same nasty nest of vipers the other ladies being harrassed have. I'm happy to see a voice of reason and truth come forward. Be warned though, you know your comment is going to open up a can of worms and there are going to be some nasty people come out of the woodwork over this. Hold your head high girlie and stay strong. I only hope that the truth keeps coming out! And for your honesty and bravery at putting the truth out there, you deserve pink. :)

If anyone is curious, then read the comment here.

Oi! I've hit a nerve!

LMFAO I've been sitting here sipping my tea and reading a few comments, and I must say, I think I have hit a nerve! These two comments have given me a jolly old laugh!

One has to agree with Lori on that one, you are a drama queen.And could you be more confused?We all get it's not your disclaimer, you're just joining the band wagon, picking on headers and god-knows-what next, because you've run out of material. At some point your blog was actually amusing, in a primitive kind of way. But it seems you've run out of steam and now you're just faking your orgasms. It's that dissatisfaction with your life that makes you so desperate.

First off luv, I've never faked an orgasm in my life! So nope, I'm not dissastisfied in any way! lol You say, "We all get it's not your disclaimer", who's we? You got a mouse in your pocket? Last time I looked, there was only you and Lori pissing about comments. *sigh* Since you say at some point my blog was actually amusing, then it must be you who are desperate, desperate for any kind of drama you can lay your grubby little mouse on. I'm just spouting off about the way I see things.

Next commentor: just totally made Lori's point:) And it sounds to me like she's talking about you making drama over what you call the "warranty", Dimwit. Maybe you should turn off your comments if you have trouble comprehending them. There are opinions and observations, and then there's just plain smack. Frankly, you appear to lack the brain for any valuable or clever observations.Like you said, you are just a trash talker, and you are not very good at it:) Oh, and can I get that in a pink font, Baby Girl?

Now why would I turn off my comments? I might miss dimwitted jewels and comments like you just posted! If you want valuable and clever, go find another blog that can actually help you bend over and kiss your own ass, because these are again, my thoughts and opinions, and you don't have to like them or read them. Go be an asshair like the others. lol Oh, and on a final note, I don't see any smack here, do you? And no, you don't get yourself in pink, your lame assed comment doesn't deserve such a pretty color.

Again people, I just post my opinions, and you don't have to like them, or comment to them. It's no skin off my back if you do or don't. But the way I see it, you must like it here because you keep popping back up just to say something snide to make your own 15 minutes of fame. Go braid your asshairs, that'll keep you busy awhile.