Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Their blog is gone, but you can bet it isn't over. Keep an eye open folks, they'll be back! Shit never truly goes away! LOL

Everyone knows that they won't be able to keep their new spot quiet for long! All we know is that the lies will continue to spread where we can't see them and of course, we all know they like to control what we see and what we say! So be warned folks, the fat lady hasn't sung! lol


Anonymous said...

The Darkside sucked ass, They were bitches that had no clue about a damn thing. They just wanted to get out there start some shit. Sling people through the mud. Then the last few posts they made they could not find any proof on the people that were accused. They knew they looked like dumb shits so they closed the doors.

Anonymous said...

I agree with 12:06PM, The Darkside DEFINATELY sucked ass. In my opinion they themselves were disgruntled pirates who set up their blog with the soul purpose of selectively allowing some people to be slandered, most probably those who never shared enough with them or those they had a personal grudge against. They never showed any REAL proof of known PIRATES, they only copied what was posted in a pirate forum and 2 other "smack" blogs. As a designer myself, I followed their blog just to see how far they were going to take things, but they were going nowhere, knew it, and as a result, the only people they made look like fools were themselves.
And might I add that being in the know so to speak I have spoken to close on 80 designer friends and I know of NOT 1 that has moved to their so called blog. WHY? because this is not the way true professionals would conduct such issues.
Furthermore, I as do many others in this industry, know for certain that you and the Leah are NOT one and the same, and whilst she chose only to post a select few screenshots, ALL evidence she has provided us with to date is ACCURATE and most definately NOT false. I applaud you for having the sense to question the people over at the darkside, if only more people would exert the same common sense.
Congratulations to you and your family on your preganacy, I wish you all the best.

Caroline K

Buffy The Vigilante Slayer said...

Thanks both of you for the support and comments. I've admitted to downloading a little music here and there, and there are so many people out there who do much, much worse, but yet only a select few have gotten crucified. They choose people who were beginners, who made mistakes, who did something small, and made it completely blown out of proprtion. They started a war amoung people who didn't have any idea what hit them. It was simply sad to see so much name calling and mud slinging, and they constantly goaded people to fight. I agree it had to be personal, why else would it have only been a select few they have chosen to harrass? Either way, all is quiet for awhile, but who knows when the next round will start.