Monday, October 27, 2008

Criminy! TOLD YOU SO!

I said it before and I'll say it again, shit never stops floating, lol One nasty blog goes away, yet another takes its place, and sure I'm gonna hear all sorts of snide comments about "this" nasty blog too, I'm sure, as people like to really give this one hell, lol

Here is the brand spanking new blog!!! DEVIOUS DESIGNERS

My blog aside, there is a brand new blog cropped up trying to be a carbon copy of the ole barkside, and judging by their opening post, they are doing a damned good job of it too! Posting screenshots and information on a so called pirate again without actually checking their facts out. You can bet the barkside are still following all that is being said on these blogs, even in their new hidden home somewhere. They'll be getting either a good laugh at this new blog, or be pissed off about someone trying to pick up where they left off. Just watch your followers people, because I've noticed on several blogs that there some followers who have their profiles disabled, so you have no clue who is following you, it might be these vigilantes!

What is it with these people anyway? Are they disgruntled designers? LMAO makes me think of that ole joke something about a pig who loses his voice, makes him disgruntled, lol oh well, there I go, off on a wild tangent, as usual, lol

Anywho, as I was saying, are these people actually so miserable in their lives that they have to make everyone else miserable? Or is it simply the lure of yet again someone else wanting their 15 minutes of internet fame? This new blog has one topic, outing two designers from the same store, both for TOU violations, but yet they say "PIRATES". Last time I checked a TOU violation isn't exactly a pirate, it's simply a violation. Although I do think that many action designers don't have their TOU as clearly stated as they could be and I don't always approve of them telling you exactly how you are "allowed" to use a product of theirs. I may not design, but I can read the TOU posted in many digital stores for the public to view, lol

One designer shares proof she has permission from the action designer to use the product as she created it, but does anyone see an apology from that new blog? NO! And why not? Expend a little too much energy there asshair blogger? Can't spell the words, "I'm Sorry" and print a retraction? I tell you one thing, this new blog lacks the flair the barkside had for the dramatic!

The second accused designer has yet to post proof she has permission, so we'll see how much longer they rake this one over the coals.

Anyone ever notice how these so called "proof" blogs have access to all these designers TOU and can copy and paste the whole thing is needed, but yet they simply can't be bothered to verify if their "proof" is legitimate? Why is this?

Oh well, I guess we'll just have to sit back and watch and wait to see if this newest vigilante blog takes off and gets the same response as the barkside did. Interesting to see how quick these things crop up and how gleefully these people post their "proof" of yet another evil scrapper! Oh yea, let me clarify, evil scrap tagger! I'm sorry, I got that wrong! I keep forgetting that these vigilante blogs only harrass the scrapper/tagger community! DOH! Must be the lack of sleep and too many crackers that have my brain mush! I keep forgetting that little detail!

CRIPES pregnancy at my age is so not good, lol makes my brain fuzzy and stomach turn! Off to rest a little lads and lassies, then try a spot of tea later. Keep your chin up and your hip waders handy! lol


Anonymous said...

Another designer in question has posted that she has proof that she is not in violation of what she is being accused of. That blog is just another dumb bitch with no facts. Just another shit starter. I hope that these people take action against these dumb asses and take it to a higher level

Anonymous said...

LMAO that blog lasted a long time.

Anonymous said...

LMFAO OMG IT DID!! Only in the digi world can these things happen! here today, gone tomorrow. Idiots, the comlpete and utter lot of them! lol