Saturday, October 11, 2008

Vigilantes Gone?

One can only wonder and hope this is true. It seems in the past 3 weeks that the so called digital justice team has gone suddenly quiet. Now this makes one wonder, is this in preperation for more sudden outings of so called pirates? is this so new "proof" can be provided? Or is simply they have tired of being the center of attention? I think not. I think it is simply a matter of they have abandoned their vigilante blog in favor of a new one, where as they put it, "only designers and store owners will know what is going on". Kind of funny if you ask me though, and of course you won't since my opinions only garner your snide comments. It's been my opinion that these types of fly by night blogs come and go all the time, they start up, raise a ruckus, then vanish into thin air, leaving behind the remants of a bad order and hurt feelings of those they affected. it does however make for interesting reading how everyone is suddenly an expert on designs, designers, stores, laws, and what have you, plus the occasional pot calling the kettle black references and family put downs. mark my words though, you can bet things aren't as silent as they seem, they'll be back! People like that always turn up in one form or another. Enjoy your weekend everyone, this lil gal is going to nap and the silence of her friends who are finally being left alone to do what they enjoy.