Monday, October 6, 2008

Calm before the storm?

Well all has been extremely quiet on the digi front the past week or so. Kind of makes you wonder why doesn't it? Perhaps people have decided to setle down and enjoy life for what it is, peaceful. Hopefully those that like to stir the pot have decided to live and let live.

On my front, I have no idea what it is when you get a pregnancy confirmed that suddenly morning sickness takes nasty hold, lol I've lain on the couch all weekend, sleeping on and off and I must have eaten a whole box of biscuits, lol It's been cool and dreary here, so lying on the couch was truly no fuss at all, lol Unless you ask my dear hubby who thinks I'm supposed to be full of energy and ready to run lanes with the sheep lol

I think I'll go find some tea and a good book! Have a good day ladies and gents.