Thursday, October 9, 2008

My goodness!

I go away for a couple of days holiday and come back to find all manner of drivel posted in comments, and I swear, it seems like the teeny tiny voice of an idiot keeps trying to ring through loud and clear, and why this is, I have no idea. Let me let you all in on something here, I don't see where what I post is exactly in support of piracy. I simply post things the way I see it, and if people want to take it to heart that I support pirates, so be it. I've said it before, I'm not a designer, I don't scrap, I don't tag, but I'm around many people who do, and let me tell you this much, I have seen dozens of people sending through groups everything from scraps, tubes, music, movies, software, and anything in between that people can get their hands on. But, what do I see here? Only a select few people being trashed on blogs. Why? Personal grudge? Nothing better to do than ruin someone else? Bored? What reason? I've admitted to being guilty of snagging some music here and there, and secretly, I'm sure that 98 percent of the people out there do too, and more. And it is funny that it is only the scrappers that make small kits for the taggers that are getting destroyed. Odd if you ask me. Anywho, getting off track here, as usual. As I was saying, I go away and come home to nasty comments, supporting comments, and everything in between. And I ask you why you nasty little buggers want to constantly be so, well, nasty? You go off accusing me of stealing scraps, are being quite nasty about my unborn, and generally being a pain in the ass. Is there nothing fulfilling in your own life that you keep coming back to spout more useless drivel? I'm never going to post anything here except my thoughts and opinions, so if you are waiting for this turn into a smack blog, with proof of pirates and worse, then you will wait until hell freezes over. I personally think there are three sides to every story, your side, their side, then the truth. What I really want to know is why, out of all the people online who do a lot worse than buy stuff and share it, are you only choosing scrappers to pick on? Makes you people seem like bullies who only set out to destroy those they feel are beneath them, which is sad. Why not go after the music shares? Tube shares, oh wait, I'm sorry that happeend and sharing is still going on, so that got you nowhere. Movie shares, software shares? You don't fool with them because you are simply afraid of them, afraid they'll mop the floor with you and toss you in the dung heap. If you have nothing better to do than sit here and refresh the page and wait for new comments, then you lead a sad life, and it is obvious that you have something seriously wrong since your nasty replies to everyone who comments keep cropping up. This is my personal blog and I'll post whatever I like here, and if it is about me and I want to share it, I will, and if it is my thoughts and opinions about what hapens in the digital world, then I'll post that too. But this isn't a smack blog, it isn't a pirate blog, it isn't a support blog. Maybe you should learn the difference between opinions and trash. Either way, thank you for the kind words some of you have left, and for the nasty people who keep posting, wash your mouth out with soap, you need it. I can't believe you think asshairs is more nasty than the language you've used in comments.


Anonymous said...

it's funny how you claim that you are not a tagger, etc. but are in share groups simply for movies and music. Which is a bigger crime then the ones being plastered on these blogs. One has to wonder though, which side of your mouth we should listen to.

Anonymous said...

One more thing, you stated that you have the right to post whatever you want, because it's your blog. How is it you have more rights then anyone else? You slam the dark side as well as others for doing the same thing. Again, talking out of both sides of your mouth. Talk about a 2 faced bitch.

But then, look at your "friends".

Anonymous said...

ohh look the assholes have come out to play again! What? Still nothing juicy enough elsewhere for you to suck on? I think the blogger said they snagged occasional music, never saw nuthin about movies or share groups. Looks like you are the one talking out your own ass trying to get shit stirred again. Go back to your own shit hole.

Anonymous said...

7:02 PM


Buffy The Vigilante Slayer said...

LOL these comments always give me a chuckle. pfft

Anonymous said...

I'm not a designer, I don't scrap, I don't tag, but I'm around many people who do, and let me tell you this much, I have seen dozens of people sending through groups everything from scraps, tubes, music, movies, software, and anything in between that people can get their hands on. But, what do I see here? Only a select few people being trashed on blogs. Why? Personal grudge? Nothing better to do than ruin someone else? Bored? What reason? I've admitted to being guilty of snagging some music here and there, and secretly, I'm sure that 98 percent of the people out there do too, and more.

In her own words, from this post BY HER, she claimed to see scrap, etc. shared IN GROUPS. How in the FUCK can she see it, if she isn't IN them?????

Are you SHARING a brain????

Or maybe it's because your little circle friends are so confused by all the bullshit you talk out both sides of your mouths that you can't seem to get your story straight? Chuckle all you want.
There are 10X more people laughing back at your ass.

Buffy The Vigilante Slayer said...

LMFAO didn't say when or if I was still in them now did I wanker? So funny. Do you think I actually care if someone laughs at me? Sorry, but you need to look in the mirror for a little laughter, look at your reflection. I'm not that soft skinned to think anything you say hurts me because face it wanker, this is the internet, need it spelled out to you? Anything and everything can be had for a song, be altered to provide "proof" of guilt, be anythign you want, where you want. And I, for one, could care less how much shit you spout out. Just gives me somehting to post about now doesn't it?