Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Oi! I've hit a nerve!

LMFAO I've been sitting here sipping my tea and reading a few comments, and I must say, I think I have hit a nerve! These two comments have given me a jolly old laugh!

One has to agree with Lori on that one, you are a drama queen.And could you be more confused?We all get it's not your disclaimer, you're just joining the band wagon, picking on headers and god-knows-what next, because you've run out of material. At some point your blog was actually amusing, in a primitive kind of way. But it seems you've run out of steam and now you're just faking your orgasms. It's that dissatisfaction with your life that makes you so desperate.

First off luv, I've never faked an orgasm in my life! So nope, I'm not dissastisfied in any way! lol You say, "We all get it's not your disclaimer", who's we? You got a mouse in your pocket? Last time I looked, there was only you and Lori pissing about comments. *sigh* Since you say at some point my blog was actually amusing, then it must be you who are desperate, desperate for any kind of drama you can lay your grubby little mouse on. I'm just spouting off about the way I see things.

Next commentor: just totally made Lori's point:) And it sounds to me like she's talking about you making drama over what you call the "warranty", Dimwit. Maybe you should turn off your comments if you have trouble comprehending them. There are opinions and observations, and then there's just plain smack. Frankly, you appear to lack the brain for any valuable or clever observations.Like you said, you are just a trash talker, and you are not very good at it:) Oh, and can I get that in a pink font, Baby Girl?

Now why would I turn off my comments? I might miss dimwitted jewels and comments like you just posted! If you want valuable and clever, go find another blog that can actually help you bend over and kiss your own ass, because these are again, my thoughts and opinions, and you don't have to like them or read them. Go be an asshair like the others. lol Oh, and on a final note, I don't see any smack here, do you? And no, you don't get yourself in pink, your lame assed comment doesn't deserve such a pretty color.

Again people, I just post my opinions, and you don't have to like them, or comment to them. It's no skin off my back if you do or don't. But the way I see it, you must like it here because you keep popping back up just to say something snide to make your own 15 minutes of fame. Go braid your asshairs, that'll keep you busy awhile.


Dawn said...

I am so tired of this. I just happened to read Cora's blog tonight. And I can see that she is still continuing to be a p.i.t.a. to me. Let me tell you what really happened.
First of all Cora was a member of my group, and when she turned in one of my members on mistaken identity. I had a member named Lynne and she thought it was the same Lynne that she *Cora*, has a vendetta against, so she decided to report this Lynne who didn't even know anything of the situation. So, I removed Cora from my group.
Then my friend Cathy had come to me and told me she thought that Cora was LavenderForLucks because all of the Pando files that this Lavender person was sharing had one of Cora's aliases on ALL of the Pando files.
So then I spoke up in the groups that I had belonged to and told them of this information.

Cathy explained to Cora that I had gotten the idea of Lavender & Cora being the same person from her and asked Cora not to blame me and at the time we thought all was okay. Then of course Cora decided to open up her blog and out me and is still trying to out me. Of course she didn't mention that she had ratted first on a member of my group.
I am NOT a scrap kit maker. I only use things for personal use. I have made hundreds of friends and everyone would vouch for my honesty within their group. I do know for a fact that I was reported to MPT by LavenderForLucks (Cora)and I know that Lavender is still in a google font group. I don't believe for one minute that this Lavender4Luck had a hundred of Cora's Pando files and yet she isn't Cora. Plz...tell that line to someone else.
I have held back for now. And if I had wanted to oust Cora or anyone, I have emails from January of the sharing. But you just don't out someone like that. I wouldn't. I only had these emails because, I didn't always get emails under my one name, so I had a backup name to catch hopefully stuff I would miss.
Cora you just need to move on and get some kind of life as I have. I have been told many times of your nastiness Cora and I never wanted to believe it because you had never come across that way to me, until now.xXx Gina xXx

Buffy The Vigilante Slayer said...

WOW! And double WOW! So you are telling me that this Cora woman who seems to be the root of all the problems has a vendetta against one person and has harrassed another with the same name? WTF is wrong with people these days? Can't people just simply get a life and leave others alone to their own devices? Sugar, I feel to the bottom of soul for you and all these other ladies who have been given nothing but trouble by this woman.

JennK said...

Bullshit. That is not cora using that name. You Gina need to get a damn life. She has gone on with hers. It's people like you that won't stop bringing the shit up that makes her have to keep talking about everything. Shut the fuck up and she won't have to keep posting about the shit. She happens to be a very smart person and if you gave her no reason to out she would not have done it.
Cora is not the type to just rat on someone and only do it for some sick childish satisfactions. Your little click that you have are no better then the rest of us. Your just pissed because you thought you could do your dirt and get away with it. Who cares if you create scrap kits. That's not the point. The point is your a pirate, you share paid shit and when you were put out there as one you didn't like it. What comes around goes around. I can guarentee you that your ass doesn't know a quarter of the people that cora does on here and no matter what your simple mind posts in comments on someone's blog it still won't make a difference.
Like Cora said, don't try to run someone's name down and think your not going along for the ride. If you would of handled shit as an adult and went by facts and not what others tell you this could of all been avoided.
Grow up is more like it. How about you start there.
You come to this blog to hope for some kind of sympathy. Wrong blog sweet heart. You just proved in what you wrote that she had every reason to act the way she did. Obvisouly your too slow or stupid to realize that.
It's amazing how people can start shit but as soon as someone tries to voice their opinion they are attacked for being stupid.
Get over yourself.
Your outted, that's it. Now move on.

Anonymous said...

Gina, your an idiot. Cora is NOT LavenderLucks. Cora sent a warning about this person and suggested EVERYONE ban her from tehir groups, and gave her yahoo info because she knew she was a trouble maker. Why, id she was her, would she do that????

Move on. You were outted. She doesn't keep outting you.

And your accusations about her turning in "Lynne" is just assumptions. You have no proof. No one would tell you that. Not the designer or the company. So nice try.

As for this other person who was sharing Cora's pando files, Wel EVERYONE knows that her files were allowed to be forwarded. And were seen in groups she was not in. So yes, it is possible. I guess you decided to leave that out part out.

Buffy The Vigilante Slayer said...

Ladies everyone is entitled to their opinions and I am allowing you all to voice your own, but do me one huge fave luv, don't start acting like those yahoos over on the bark side. No matter who says what, no one will ever know the truth of what is going on in the digital scrap community because too many seeds of doubt have been planted. Have your say, voice your opinions, but be calm about it. Goddess knows if you people aren't calm, then some dumb ass is bound to accuse you of being someone else lol.

Anonymous said...

Cora slapped a blog up naming people and she expects to get no lashback from it?
Well hell, Cora was a bigger pirate than anyone named on her blog, she can deny it all she wants.
I just loved getting her shares, damn she had tons of them just about everyday.
But to go and put up a blog like she did was very dirty of her.
Now I don't belong to any of these groups anymore, I left all my groups cause this shit has been blown way out of proportion.
At least Gina DID confront Cora about this and what did she get in return? OMG You should have seen the language that Cora chose to use in several group mails, which did nothing for her cause, just made her look more guilty in my opionion. Notice I said my opinion, I'm not asking you to have the same one.
All you people telling other people to get a life are a joke! Hell can't you see you need to go get one also or you wouldn't be here either. Now that there's funny, I don't care who ya are lol.
HAHA someone comes to post on a blog about how other people need to get a life instead of posting on a blog, how stupid can you get?

Anonymous said...

It was "dirty" of her to post that on a blog??? After Gina sent through, just about EVERY group that Cora was someone she wasn't? And threw her name in the mud, and GINA and CATHY doesnt expect to get attacked for that??? COME ON!?!?! What goes around comes around baby, and if Cora is suppose to "accept" this, I suggest you and your friends do the same.
Maybe you left your groups. Maybe you re-named them. Either way, calling someone the "biggest pirate" over and over again, isn't going to make it true.

Anonymous said...

Who the hell is this Cora-person? and who the hell cares?

Gina, I'm with you ... go girl!

Anonymous said...

I seem to recall there was alot more names on Cora's blog then just Gina's, so yes that was very dirty of her!
And yes I left all scrap groups I belonged to and no I didn't rename them lol, why would I do that, my own group had been rat free for a very long time, no reason to move it or rename it, I just gave someone else ownership and left.
Gina and Cora had a dispute and Cora should have left these other people out of it.
How do you think they felt, seeing as they hadn't done anything to her? All because they were friends with someone?
Maybe shes not the biggest pirate online and who really cares?
But her trying to downplay what she herself shared is pathetic.
Up until she posted that blog I trusted Cora and would have shared anything with her, but damn what if she gets in a dispute with someone else I'm friends with? Is she then going to turn on me also like she did these other ladies?
Which is a mute point anyway as I have no reason to come in contact with her anymore.
Just that after this little fiasco I wouldn't consider her anyone I would trust.

GuessWho said...

I have known Cora for more than 5 years..she was in the first Yahoo group I was ever a part of...she got kicked out of that group for taking someone else's tube and trying to claim it as her own...she has never been an honest person and probably will never be one. How someone like her can con you people into believing she is anything but a conniving thief is beyond me........I think she needs to take one good hard look at hersef before she ever again points a finger at anyone else. As for as growing up, I don't think someone like Cora knows how.