Sunday, October 26, 2008

Ahh sweet relief...for how long?

Well well well, I'd like to say thanks for the entertainment and support, some has been funny, some astounding in their utter stupidity, lol and some thought provoking. I am by all means not stopping this blog, because you, the people, need a place to vent and discuss what goes on in the digital world. Everyone knows by now the barkside has left the building, least the building we were all in, but I am sure they have by no means stopped their level of childish temper tantrums and their bullying tactics. Those kind of people do not quietly pack up and fade away.

I've read a couple of new comments that give me hope that those out there who have been accused, or simply caught in the wrong place at the right time will be able to rebuild themselves a new life in the digital world and will go on doing what they love as it seems over the past weeks much doubt was planted in the minds of people everywhere online who follow these blogs. Hopefully that doubt will make others think that not everything they have been provided with is proof of actual wrong doing.

I will continue to support the little people out there, and of course I doubt that all of us online are squeeky clean, we've all taken something somewhere at one time or another, but that doesn't mean everyone should be crucified, wait, not everyone has been crucified, only a select few, which smacks of personal grudges and vendettas, but what the hell does one do about that?

Let this be a lesson to you folks, believe none of what you hear and only half of what you see. Keep your eyes and ears open too, because in time, the crap will fly again. People like those over on that other blog that closed shop never know when to quit, and as much as they'd like you to believe they went private to keep inquiring minds like ours away, they went private so people like us can't doubt what they post. Frankly, I think they didn't like it when they kept losing control of their beloved topics and their proof was constantly blasted and questioned.

Either way, enjoy the peace while you have it lads and lassies, it won't last long! it never does!


Anonymous said...

Funny, I am a designer, and a follower of the DARKSIDE, the old and the new. And I NEVER seen anything that wasn't backed up. But its funny, you mentioned "select few". That is right. It seems to only be the trailor trash, shit talking wanna be tag/designers out there getting caught. makes you wonder, who in the hell would be jealous of them? My first kit was better then theirs, and I gave that away. So talk your shit, people like you don't matter much at all. And don't think for one minute that because I am here posting a comment, that you have effected my life in any way. Because you haven't. This was, after all, a blog created for people to vent. And that is all I am doing. Venting against the bullshit you have written.

Anonymous said...

HAHHA Maybe YOU should learn to's AFFECTED asshole.