Monday, October 6, 2008

Dear asshairs and wankers

or should I say one asshair and wanker as your comments left are brutally obvious the same idiotic drivel repeated over and over. I don't steal scrap kits, I don't design, I don't fool with tags, stationary, or anything like that in the graphics community. I don't create layouts with photos or anything else, all my children's photos all go into a simple photo album, the old fashioned way. So suck my asshairs wanker, and that comes from a cranky old pregnant lady. It seems that you have nothing better to do than to come here and try and start shit and make this into a carbon copy of the bark side, since they closed off comments and have nothing new to report, you must have found that you have a whole lot of time on your idle hands so you figure you need to stir shit somewhere, so what better place than here? I'll have you know this blog was not created to stir up shit in the digi community. It was created to voice my opinion and the opinions of others who get shot down on other blogs and forums for speaking their side of the story. And frankly asshair, if I wanted to post a bit about my personal life here, then I will as it is my blog the last time I checked. Oh, and I don't have a fantasy with asshairs, you certainly don't infiltrate my dreams at night, so the stupid bitch comment you made to me, needs to go back and be owned by the stupid bitch or bastard who made it, because frankly, I've seen women make many nasty comments, but yours reeks of a man with no bollocks, or the very least a very "manly" woman. Next time you decide to leave multiple comments, why not try spacing out your posting times better as well as masking your IP, because you truly suck at being an asshair. Oh and not that you are owed any explanation, but asshairs is just my favorite term for someone who is simply manky, and if that fits you, then you wear it well. So take your own pathetic ass back over to the bark side and sit there like the faithful lap dog you are and maybe they'll come out of hiding and throw you a bone or a few table scraps so you'll have something constructive to do with that potty mouth you have, then you won't be yanking your own chain trying to find other amusement than licking your own ass.


Kara said...

I can't believe those people. I guess they have nothing better to do than put people down over at the dark side. People that write those types of things, with the 'need' to drag private emails public seem to thrive off of attention.
They told you not to flatter yourself because you're not important. It's them who's not important. I just love how they say "There is NO harassment here posted by Patricia or Me. We post facts. You cant hold us responsible for what others choose to email to those who are accused. That's just ignorant" LMAO! Mostly everything they've typed in their little blue text concerning you has been nothing but slander, and they have the nerve to say other people are ignorant?? Hahaha! Now THAT's funny.
I don't care who they think they are. Seems to me like they are on some ego trip. Such a shame that they have nothing better to do than constantly slander everyone who doesn't kneel down and kiss their dirty feet. I, for one, wont be wasting my time going back to their blog and you shouldn't either. The more you try to defend yourself, the worse they will make it (and enjoy every minute). The only way to get them to leave you alone is to not even bother to respond to them.
I wish you the best, and I hope the little internet police will get over themselves soon.

~*BloodRavenDesire*~ said...

Hey doll! I ran across your blog from Chimera (my best friend) and just wanted to say you kick ass darlin for writing this! I am so sick of all this copyright bullshit. I jsut frickin give up! I have found my artwork all over and really don't give a shit.. I love the taggers LOL .. I AM a tagger even and just hate this crap where the copyright retards follow you around and report every damned send! The when you fight back they send your private emails to them all over heck to try to embarass you... it jsut SUCKS ASS!

*kisses n bites*
Darkest Blessings

Blood Raven

Buffy The Vigilante Slayer said...

Blood Raven

Welcome doll and thanks for the compliments! I love how they keep saying I'm a pirate, I support pirates and all that rubbish. I just call it as I see it, and I see it that there is more to this than meets the eye and that those people must have something against a set bunch to only pick on them. I'll continue to post my thoughts and hopefully make people sit back and think about all they are reading instead of believing every bit of drivel tossed their way!

Buffy The Vigilante Slayer said...

Kara, I hear you there honey, people need to get a life. But for the record, I'm not Cindy who was accused of starting this blog nor am I a designer, so what they have typed over there isn't about me. It is funny though how they assume everyone is the same person. Life goes on, and someday they'll get bored and move on too.