Monday, October 6, 2008

I so lied!

All is NOT calm in the digi world, or least on this blog thanks to a little sarcastic weasel. Let me address you for a second you little anonymous asshair. Anonymous commentor below:

wow does this mean that you will be out stealing baby clothes for your child? Beings you think it is ok to steal from people online? No different in my eyes or in the eyes of any designer Im sure.

Your comment above was totally uncalled for and unwanted, but since you felt the need to be petty and stupid in your observations, could you please take classes in proper speech and get the idea here, I am NOT a designer, so sod off you wanker and get a life of your own.

It seems the morons have nothing to pick on at the moment so they have again resorted to completely pointless comments.

Someone make me a button: Asshairs and Wankers Unite in Idiocy


Anonymous said...

Who is the idiot here? Not once did I say you were a designer now did I? Or type it rather. You steal scrapkits weather you are a damn scrapper or stupid ass tag maker either way you take something that you did not pay for. I could give 2 shits less if you design or not. So why not wobble your little ass back into the comment that you wanted the whole world to see that I posted and read it again you dumb bitch. Also what is your fantasy with ass hairs? Is that like a fetish of yours? Do you have your ass hairs pulled while some bitch is sucking off your husband or boyfriend? Now until you get your facts straight shut the hell up you attention wanting whore. Go steal some more shit the only thing you are good at. You know think about when your child gets older and you have made a scrap page of him or her you can go back and tell them look at this I stole this scrapkit just so I could make this LO of you. You really are pathetic.

Anonymous said...

I truly cannot understand why you would mention your pregnancy on a blog that you created just to stir up the graphics community.

Did you think people would just forgive the simple fact that you're supporting the pirates and give you tons of warm fuzzies over your news?

Someone needs to get a clue. Seriously.

Anonymous said...

Amen 5:48 and she has the nerve to sit and talk about how others put things down in writing. I far from think that this is a blog that has any right to talk about how someone words things. If you are pregnant why don't you go steal a book from your local book store that teaches you how to teach your child how to steal at a young age. Oh wait, most people have morals and there is not such a thing out there so maybe you better get busy writing that book so all your other pirate friends that get laid and knocked up in between stealings can learn how to teach their kids too.

JennK said...

Just ignore all of these people.
You should read what I wrote in my blog.
Just let it all go. Delete these comments. Delete the links to all the BS to others blogs. Follow who you want but don't feed into it.
You can post whatever you want, it's your blog. If you want to blog daily about different things and show that your life doesn't revolve souly around the digi world then so be it. The fact that they have nothing more to add but to try insult you just shows what type of person they really are.
I credit you for allowing your comments to be posted for all to see, so that we can all see your not stopping people from voicing their opinion. But to be honest where is all of this going to get you. Surronded by negative crap daily. The fact that someone would even resort to accusing you of trying to steal clothes for your unborn child goes way beyond just being rude or simple minded.
You have something new and exciting to look forward to. Voice your opinion but don't let it get to so out of hand.

Anonymous said...

*****Reality Check****

This is for all you ass hairs from the bark side. You cannot upset a mentally stable person online by "trying" to insult their husband, children, granny, flip flops or anyone else. Calling them a bitch, whore, Shemale or chick with a dick doesn't work either. I shall tell you why this is... You my dears are purely entertainment, you're something to giggle at during a dull moment in the day.

This makes me question your own mentality.I wonder if you actually realise that when one clicks the [x], you all disappear. You all seem so wrapped up in what goes on in the digital word. You try to belittle people with pathetic insults, hound people to the death when you have no solid proof. It makes me wonder if you do it to justify your own insecurities. Maybe it makes you all feel complete, I don't know. What i do know is this.. From where i am sitting it makes you look in the words of "5:38 AM" Pathetic! in the words of "5:48AM " Someone needs to get a clue. Seriously.

Now i shall toddle off back to my cyber hole, but before i leave remember this, as i know it's hard for some of you to understand... because i mentioned "ass hairs" & "bark side" it doesn't make me anyone else but "SARAH"

Anonymous said...

You all seem so wrapped up in what goes on in the digital word

Pot-kettle-black darlin.

Why are you spending so much time and energy trying to make those look that are against this blog look like they have no life, when you clearly have the time and inclination to come here daily and write very long messages?

Berate us sure, disagree with us of course, call us names..whatever.

But trying to make yourself look any different from any other person who reads or posts on this blog is really hypocritical. We are no more entertainment to you, than you are to us.

The "get a life" argument is not only immature, it's boring. Change the cd.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry if you feel the need to even pick holes in the speed with which i type, it must clearly frustrate you. Yes i can write a long message in 1 min, my bad =(.

I don't recall telling anyone to "get a life". I merely stated the facts infront of me. With regard to the immaturity level, do you see calling people disgusting names & insulting their families as maturity? I think it's what kids do isn't it? a bit like mum cusses, yes? not to mention bring someones unborn child into your juvenile games.
If you are so against this blog, why keep it alive?

Oh & for the record, I am different. I'm very different, i wouldn't lower myself to the levels of some of you =)

Anonymous said...

11:10 PM

She brought her unborn child onto this blog, not us.

Nice try though. And no, I don't agree with insulting her unborn child or any other member of her family, and I haven't.

I just can't understand why she would've brought that up here in the first place. I'm sure she can think of many other places that would be more suitable to share news like that. If you think this medium is appropriate then yes, you're lowering yourself; whether you can see it or not, and if you can't see that stealing, or defending those that do isn't lowering yourself, then god help you.

Nothing about you frustrates me honey, so don't flatter yourself. I think you and your pirate friends are a bit like a train wreak..disgusting, but you can't help but rubber neck.

That said, I must go, some of us actually have jobs to go to. Have fun stealing, and I hope for your sake karma doesn't catch up with you.


Anonymous said...

For you saying that me and the other person are the same ASSHAIR as you stated due to the same IP are you that idiodic. This person is not me nor am I them but we will let you think with that tiny brain cell you have left that we are ok. If it makes you feel important to think that you only have one hater then lmao go ahead and think what you want. Also as for Sarah, The owner of the blog has been using disgusting names and language or have you got blinders on. I do not think the word ass hair is in the daily vocabulary of normal people. I do believe it came from you too and not once did I insult her unborn child. I insulted her read dumb ass read. Before you go spouting off your mouth and trying to defend one of your pirate friends. You know it takes a whole lot of intelegence to sit here and try to act as if you are some intelectual person when in all actuality if you were as smart as you think you are you would use the brains that you think you have to go out and get a job instead of sitting on your asses all day stealing from those that create to make a living or whatever else they choose to spend their money on that they rightfully earn. You really are just another worthless shitface. People like you are no better then someone that shoplifts. GET A JOB Losers

Anonymous said...

Some people should read 5:03 that she said she isn't a designer, so you might need your eyes examined. Calling her a pirate just because she speaks her mind is way stupid if you ask me. And the way I see it, if someone wants to toss in a personal touch on their personal blog that has their personal opinions on it, then that just shows they are human and not some automatic asshole like yourself who just lives to start trouble. I read the blog owner has this blog to simply voice her opinions on what she notices in the digi world. Not once did she say anything in support of her pirate friends as you say, in fact, where has she said she steals designs and stuff from designers or has any pirate friends? All I saw was an ipod reference, that doesn't scream designs and scrap kits to me. But then again peabrain you must be reading between non existant lines. Watch your own language there asshole, seems to me another pot calling the kettle black. What's wrong? Jealous someone thought of a catchy word before you did?

Anonymous said...

LMAO oh yes I am so terribly jelous that someone that calls herself a woman can come up with a name that she thought of while wiping her ass. I see you must be another person that has no job and is sticking up for those that steal. Maybe you need to get our your pen and pad as well so you can help her write the book on how to learn to steal at a young age. Im sure all your friends would be there to buy a copy. Oh wait or shall I say steal a copy? Now go steal some kits or tubes or something.

Anonymous said...

Firstly i never once stated that i stole anything, secondly i don't recall defending pirates. It just shows how childish you are to assume that everyone that doesnt agree with you bully tactics must therefore be a thief. I don't agree with stealing, my stuff gets stolen on a daily basis. But having said that, i have chosen to place it online & have therefore made it fair game. If any designer owned full legal copy right to their kits etc, why are they not protected under some strict us copy right law? if they tried, I wonder if photoshop would then come along and say well actually u made that using our software, the copy right belongs to us.Fact is it's stupid, anyone that places something for downloadable sale online has to face the fact that it will be stolen. I doubt very much that the tube artists lose sleep each night because someone has shared their latest tubes.Their work was being shared long before any of the tube stores came along. No it's not fair when people are relying on those few extra dollars to support their families etc, but its a fact of life. you place it online , it gets stolen.A bit like leaving your car on the street with the keys inside & the door open, then expecting it to be there when you return.
5:03 AM I notice along with the rest of your assumptions, you assume i have no job. why would that be i wonder *thinks* could it be because i'm here when your going to work maybe, hmmm that could be because the internet is a wonderful place that allows people from all countries around the world to communicate. In your own words "Dumb Ass"

Anonymous said...

I am horrified at what i am reading on these comments by people who call them selfs adults it is easy to sit behind a computer screen and try to make your selfs look big and tough but my god i don't know the owner of this blog but crap it is her blog if she wishes to share her news it is her right and you all saying the nasty and discusting stuff regarding her unborn child you are no better than bitches your self ... your all out on nothing more than a witch hunt playing follow the leader your all pathetic take a good look at yourself but then again if i was you i wouldn't want to do that as i know i would not like what i see in the mirror( just followed a link ) not a follower but wanted to say something... spelling errors and all do i care no i wont be back

congrats on the baby news hun

Anonymous said...

2:31 AM

Only one person made a comment about her unborn child, so quit twisting everything out of proportion. It just makes you look like a drama queen yourself.

Although I'm pretty much convinced that is only one person making all these posts pretending to be others; because you keep making the same typos and spelling mistakes over and over.

Anonymous said...

The way I see it, its her blog and if she wants to post her happy news here then what the hell is the problem?
Evidently you can't stand it when someone is happy!
All you so called vigilantes are really shining a very bad light on the designers you are defending.
Its to bad they haven't seen this yet, as its losing them customers.
I myself will never darken the website of another designer or store and its not because of them, its because of the crude people who defend them.
I will never again purchase another kit and I so hope that others decide to do the same thing.
And those of you who do have the intelligence to post meaningful comments without acting like 13 year olds really need to lose the ones like October 6, 2008 5:38 AM
its posters like that, that are giving the designers such a bad rap.
Oh but you say the pirates post bad things to? Hmmm last I heard they aren't representing any designers. You are, when you come to these blogs and groups and defend them you are in fact acting as a spokesperson for them.
I'm sorry but no one would want to be represented by the likes of some of you, it would be embarrassing.
Oh and this is my first comment in this topic but you can go ahead and say I'm this person or that person if it makes you feel any better.

Anonymous said...

Can you people actually read? where did anyone say she COULDN'T post her news here?

Free clue, they didn't. They merely said that it's probably not the best place to do so since there are many that are angry with people like her for defending pirates; hence she can't expect them to give a toss.

As for not buying scrap kits because of the people that defend the designers; and wanting others to do the same..

Well I think I'll accuse someone of being a pirate along with everyone she's ever spoken to..cos like attracts like yes?

Or are you bright enough to see how ludicrous both those statements are...hmmmm?

Anonymous said...

And exactly what is it any of their business where she posts about her pregnancy? Did she ask for their opinion on where its best to post HER good news?
Some people just like to trash everything no matter that it has nothing to do whatsoever with scrap kits!
You seem to get "Angry" over the smallest things, I mean good lord what the heck is there to get angry about someone posting that they are having a child?
It would be totally different if the designers spoke up and let people know that they themselves do not condone the childish behavior of some of their supporters.
But as far as I can see they do condone it. Thats my opinion and I'm entitled to it.
Will I try to get others to stop buying scraps? No
Will I let them know my reasons for not buying them? Yes if they ask.
All I would have to do is point them to a few blogs and let them read for themselves, what kind of people are sticking up for the designers and yet the designers DON'T CARE!
God forbid they lose a dollar.

Anonymous said...

I'm a designer, and a pretty well known one. I found this blog after seeing some of my products pirated. I'm also not the only designer watching this blog.

I for one, certainly do care what the supporters are saying, and I'm actually glad that they're here letting people know that they don't think pirating and stealing the hard work of others is ok. I'm not alone there either. I don't agree with the hurtful immature comments and name calling, but I see those from both sides.

However, no matter which way you mash it, this is a piracy supporters blog, and most decent people would think it's abhorrent.

Congratulations on the pregnancy, but I can understand why people would insult you, and if you thought logically about it you would to. It doesn't make it right, but it's understandable.

Anonymous said...

As i've previously said, i'm a designer too. But does that mean i must agree with the idiots that spout such rubbish because they have had a questionable screen shot waved infront of them?
Lets face it in the Ps/Psp world a screen shot will never be accepted as solid proof, as it will always be questionable as to whether they are real. Not only that, all you do is drive the person underground and they appear a few weeks later as a new person.
Yes you can send the links that go through groups etc to the designers, as my wonderful friends do with me, but even this does not stop the file being reuploaded five mins after its been blocked.
The only way that anything will improve is if the true ownership of copy right is sorted out & it in done under one roof in a civil manner like the tutorial writers do. As far as i see it though, if you have used one action or one thing that you didnt create yourself, then copy right does not belong to you, and basicly it'll be tough.

Anonymous said...

So instead of coming here and hiding behind anonymous why don't you do something more. I used to come here every day. I was one of the ones who was allowing myself to get caught up in all of this.
First time I even realized all this crap was still going on.
Take your designing name, register it as a trademark. Take your kits and register your stuff so that you can actually claim copyright to them and it will be legal.
This way, instead of wasting all this energy on something that will not stop or change, you can simply take the information you have and have something done legally.
Not that you would probably have a leg to stand on even with it being legal.
How can anyone including me sit here and say over and over again to get a life to someone. How can you sit here and tell someone it's obvious they have no job, because if they did they would not be here all the time. Do you not realize how stupid that makes you look for even saying that.
Your trying to fight a losing battle.
Nothing you say or do to anyone, including me is going to change any of this.
You have designers who are pirates, you have people who are trying to start all of this and then when no one is looking they are doing the same damn thing.
I have seen it with my own eyes.
Instead of just being an adult abou it and admitting to it they are pretending that they don't do it.
You along with CILM or any other company is not going to win.
Not as long as you use tactics such as these to get your point across. No matter how many different ways you word this it still sounds the same.
If I go to an art gallery and purchase a painting from an artist I can share that painting with who ever I want. It's mine! I can't take credit for the work but I am free to share it with whom ever I choose to.So when you purchase a kit from a designer we are free to share it with our closes friends. That's how it goes. Same with a stupid tube. We are not going to take your precious scrap kits and claim them as our own. I would never try to gain money from the hard work of others. What you are complaining about makes no sense.
So bash me, go ahead. I'm not saying any of this to be disrespectful or to start a war.
You have put how you feel down on here and so I did the same thing.
Calling people pirates is just so childish. Aren't you still getting paid? Aren't people still rushing over to buy your kits?? If you keep this crap up you won't get a damn dime from anyone.
Stop trying to threaten people.
Just talk to people, like an adult.
You making threats means nothing to anyone.
You can talk, I would listen.
Insults get you no where. I can go round and round forever with insults. Threats, well what are you going to do, I mean really.
There are so many more things I could say but are you really listening to anything that's being said. How about taking a minute, step back and think before you type. Realize that not everyone is trying to hurt you, not trying to steal from you. Talk to us like people and maybe you might get farther with all of this. Bully us, you will get it right back.
I'm not going to hide, I'm not scared. In real life I can back up what I say, so why would I hide online. If you plan to TRY to bully me, scare me, or anything else don't bother. I won't feed into it. I won't allow your negative games to consume my life.

Anonymous said...

If I go to an art gallery and purchase a painting from an artist I can share that painting with who ever I want. It's mine!

You think you can make copies of a painting and pass it on to your friends?

Think before you answer.

Anonymous said...

I'm not making copies of anything.
If I buy it and share it then it's not being copied now is it.
That's the whole point to this.
If you upload it to a server and share it then it's not being copied.
We can't walk to our friends house and let them use what we have if we only know them on the net.
No one is stealing from you or anyone else. We are not going into your stores and stealing from you.
Your just angry because you have no control over what someone does once they have purchased the kit.
You can't stipulate to them that they can't share it. You don't have that right. All you can do is be grateful someone even bought it to begin with. If your still making money why complain? Only reason your mad is because you can't demand that every single person that uses that kit pay for it.
It is our right to do as we wish with what we purchase.
The unfortuante thing about all of this is no matter how much effort and time the scrap designers put into their work they don't legally own it. That's the sad part. They have no grounds to stand on. So instead of trying to legalize what they do they go this route.
As long as no one is taking your name off of something and claiming it as theirs or taking what you create and making money for it then just let it go.

Anonymous said...

If you upload it to a server and share it then it's not being copied.
Of course it is. Even if you delete your original copy, I doubt everyone else does. Every time a digital image is downloaded, it's a copy.

But you know that, you're just using an argument that's been debunked time and time again.

While people like you have the lack of morals you have, people like me, and many many others will continue to make sure that others know what you're up to.

That said, I won't be back to this blog, there is truth to the saying "lay down with dogs.."

I feel sick.

Anonymous said...

Then grab a barf bag and take your stupid ass elsewhere. I don't know why you want to watch someones personal blog anyway. Apparently you have nothing better to do than sit on your ass all day and start shit. Bottom line is copyright laws are not completely cut and dried, and in all seriousness, unless every person who digitally creates something actually registers that product with the copyright office, it can be ripped off or shared by anyone out there in the world. truth be known not one of those designers of kits, actions, scripts, or any other digital resource has the funds or the ability to actually purchase copyright protection for their products. They'd waste more money paying for their stuff than they make. I agree with JennK, if I go buy a painting, and give it to my neighbor to hang over her couch or to my mother to hang over hers, then I shared it. Big freaking deal! What the hell do you think happens at yardsales or estate sales? people buy stuff form others they didn't buy in the first place! Hell, I give enough name brand clothes away my kids outgrow to fund an army, and if that is a violation screw you!