Saturday, October 18, 2008

Oh how the stone rolls

or gets tossed or thrown, lol I usually pop online every couple of days to see what's up in the digi world, and read a little email, and of course check out all the smack blogs, since that is the "it" thing to do now, and of course, this one has been called a smack blog, but hey, if my personal opinions are smack, then so be it, lmao.

I just love how a commentor has said:

blah blah blah

Seems they are pretty damn important, since they seem to talked about NON STOP over here.

Then right under it we have:

4:20 They must think this blog is pretty damn important as well as they do the same thing over there. Talk about this blog and any other blog that might get the attention they think they deserve.

People this isn't a war, nor a competition of who outposts who, because come on, give the barkside the credit they deserve, they out trash EVERYONE lmao
But I have got to agree, they must think what I say is important enough because they made me spotlight right on their blog! And I don't know about you Ralphie, but I don't believe for one minute they were sent this blog or the posts by someone, lol You know they read it, secretly hiding behind the cover of darkness. It's a side effect of wanting to see your name up in lights somewhere else, lol If what I say has no importance, why the hell bother to post about me? Don't like what I say then stop putting me in your spotlight over at the dog pound lol!

Nethinks over all these people are just a bunch of jealous and board housewives who just don't like that other people have beaten them to what they wanted to do in the first place, or else they are afraid of getting caught themselves so they get all puffed up turkey on everyone, lol Stop rehashing all the old news and the same people over and over, makes you all look petty and jealous and well, frankly makes you look like vindictive arses at the select few, because Goddess knows, people surely have sent you more real proof of wrong doers than the select few you trash!

LMAO Have a good weekend folks!


Anonymous said...

Your an idiot. Plain and simple.
I don't care if they are to be perceived as "opinions" or not. If that's the case you should maybe stop stating them as FACT.

But while we are on to "facts", let's FINALLY state one on your pathedic blog, shall we?

YOU CREATED THIS BLOG FOR THE SOUL PURPOSE to bite back at s&p and the darkside. So how important are THEY in YOUR life????

I KNOW s&p receive emails about this joke of a blog because I send them. As much as you would like to think, YOU ARE NOT THE DAMN IMPORTANT. Period. You must like to see your name in the "headlines". You openly admit to going there. Not the other way around. And they have admitted to frequent MANY smack blogs. Yours is just not that darn important.

Anonymous said...

yet you posted?? this is getting fun to watch. I bet you'll respond to my comment to. if you are such S&p fan stay over there

Anonymous said...

LMAO looks like someone has their thong in the crack of their ass and their nose up the barksides ass! Wonder if it smells as bad as it reads? Looks like you have nothing better to do 8:45 than sit here and be their little bitch, er I meant snitch. You lead a sad, pathetic life if all you do is be someones lapdog. if this place isn't so darned important why have they got you sitting here being a lackey and waiting for somehting new to send them? Such adoration on your part! Do you have fleas too?

Anonymous said...

HAHAHA who states what as fact? I don't see anything said as fact? Although I do see over there how this blog was made a topic all it's own! lol Do you know why the owner created this blog? Do you know for a FACT that was why this was created? I think the front of this blog states they speak for the little people, lol and as for healdines and lights, someone needs to get a great big one for you since your own inflated ego takes up so much space 8:45. Go back to your dog house and lay with the bitches over there and stop luring like some demented stalker.

Anonymous said...

8:54 You are quite defensive of them over at the barkside. By the looks of it as well they have yet again spoken before finding out facts. Read the posts they accused someone of something yet again that is not fact as you proclaim they only post. Go lick the asses of the dogs over there some more. If this blog is so not important you sure as hell made it clear that it is with the book that you thought you would post. The posts over here sure do have your panties in a knot maybe you are sasha or patricia?

Anonymous said...

LMFAO ya know, no matter what is said, the haters will not go back and lie down with the dogs. They're just going to keep lurking and spouting off at the mouth making themselves look like idiots. Funny thing is, the posts the anon makes looks the same as the other crap they psted. 8:45, get a freaking life and stop slobbering all over this blog.

Anonymous said...

Looks like the barkside decided to go hide somewhere. I do not think they even have another blog. They probably could not cover up anymore of their bullshit lies. So decided to close up shop.

Anonymous said...

the darkside closed

Anonymous said...

Good I hope they got shut down and not closed on their own. They needed to be closed up. They were real shit starters in the community.